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Poti face fata unei nereusite?

Postat de la 26 Jul, 2018 in categoria Personalitate

Oameni diferiti percep acelasi eveniment in moduri extrem de diferite. La locul de munca, acest fenomen devine foarte evident atunci cand este vorba despre performanta scazuta sau esec. Un rezultat considerat satisfacator de catre un angajat poate fi complet inacceptabil pentru seful sau. Cand un proiect este un esec fara echivoc, membrii echipei nu reusesc mereu sa cada de acord asupra motivului nereusitei. Aceste reactii, si efectul lor asupra relatiilor dintre colegi, devin adesea mai problematice decat evenimentul original. Astfel, modul in care persoanele raspund la feedback negativ are o mare importanta pentru manageri si organizatii – totodata fiind un determinant major al succesului in cariera.

Oameni si bani

Studiile din ultimii 10-15 ani demonstreaza ca organizatiile cu lideri eficienti au sanse de 13 ori mai mari sa depaseasca rezultatele competitorilor si cu pana la de 3 ori mai mari sa retina in interior angajatii talentati. Personalitatea CEO-ului companiei este raspunzatoare cu pana la 30% in variabilitatea profitului, adica un impact mult mai mare decat il are industria in care activeaza firma (impact in variabilitatea profitului de 6%). (Mackey, A. 2008, the effect of CEOs on firm performance. Strategic Management Journal)

Too busy for personality assessment?

Postat de la 06 Oct, 2016 in categoria Assessment, Personalitate

The personality assessment industry has experienced exponential growth in recent years. Once a common tool for selection purposes, assessments have significantly increased in popularity in the learning and development community.

People are your competitive advantage. In a business environment where most companies have access to the same resources and technology, successful companies must differentiate themselves from the competition. By using assessments, organizations can effectively identify employees’ work strengths, shortcomings, and core values, ensuring you get the most from your employees, and they get the most out of their careers.

Studiu realizat de echipa Facultății de Management din cadrul Școlii Naționale de Studii Politice și Administrative (SNSPA) pe baza analizei a peste 7500 de profiluri psihologice din generația Millenials și generații mai vârstnice aflate în baza de date Hart Consulting, folosind metodologia Hogan.

Our habits define us. But how true is this for our digital habits? Are we the same online as offline? In the early days of the internet, it was probably safe to assume that our online behaviours did not reveal much about our real-world personas. This notion was popularised by the “on the internet, nobody knows you’re dog” caption of a famous New Yorker cartoon.

Our fascination with talent goes back a long way. Homer described the  qualities of  his  heroes with a precision not reached by today’s profiling experts. For instance, Odysseus was brave, clever, quick-witted, and at times too focused on himself. In China, the Han Dynasty introduced an Imperial Examination for evaluating expertise, fit, and moral integrity for government jobs, much like modern assessment centers do today. And for at least 100 years the U.S. and European military pioneered the  use  of  psychological tests to predict the performance of soldiers and generals, as well as their propensity to remain sane during combat. More recently, computer- generated algorithms have been used to match people to the right job in areas as diverse as sports, education, and business.

Fascinatia noastra pentru talent a existat de foarte mult timp in istorie. Homer isi descria eroii cu o precizie greu de atins de catre expertii care scriu astazi profile de personalitate. De exemplu, Odysseus era curajos, destept, ager si uneori prea centrat pe sine. In China, Dinastia Han a introdus un examen imperial de evaluare a expertizei, a compatibilitatii si integritatii morale pentru functiile guvernamentale, examen similar cu centrele de evaluare de astazi. In ultima suta de ani, organizatiile militare din Statele Unite si Europa au facut pionierat in privinta utilizarii testelor psihologice pentru a prezice performanta soldatilor si generalilor, precum si probabilitatea de a-si pastra luciditatea si sanatatea mentala pe parcursul confruntarilor armate. Mai rencent, au fost utilizati algoritmi generati de calculator pentru stabilirea compatibilitatii anumitor oameni pe post in diverse domenii precum sport, educatie, business.

Mai sunt Competentele la Moda?

Postat de la 25 May, 2015 in categoria Abilitati, Personalitate, Selectie

Au trecut mai bine de 40 de ani de cand David McClelland a propus pentru prima data ideea ca cea mai buna abordare pentru a prezice performanta intr-un post viitor este concentrarea asupra competentelor si mai putin asupra inteligentei. Aceasta critica a miscarii IQ se baza pe un fapt bine documentat si anume ca performanta anterioara este cel mai bun predictor al performantei viitoare. Daca vrei sa stii cum va conduce cineva un autobuz, argumenteaza McClelland, aplica-i candidatului un test de sofat, nu-i da un test de inteligenta.

Are Competencies Still Alive?

Postat de la 25 May, 2015 in categoria Abilitati, Personalitate, Selectie

It has been more than 40 years since psychologist David McClelland contended that a person’s past performance, rather than IQ, is a better predictor of future occupational success. This idea prompted HR professionals to focus on creating competency-based job descriptions that helped identify the best candidates. Although McClelland’s insights helped revolutionize the HR industry, they aren’t as relevant in today’s workplace. Here’s why:

Why the teams fail

Postat de la 29 Apr, 2015 in categoria Dezvoltare, Echipa, Personalitate

Society idolizes the individual – from the star quarterback to the charismatic leaders of the modern business arena. But humanity’s greatest achievements – the Egyptian pyramids and Great Wall of China, the invention of modern medicine, the exploration of the outer reaches of the universe – are the result of collective effort.

High-performing teams can provide an undeniable advantage over the competition. However, most managers will tell you that although it is easy to put together a team with great potential, they rarely perform at their maximum capacity.


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  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan on Personality Psychology, the Bright Side, and the Dark Side



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  • Leadership masculin vs. feminin

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