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Career Success and Inequality

Postat de la 19 Jul, 2024 in categoria Abilitati

Career success is full of inequalities. We don’t all start at the same place, and we don’t all end up at the same place. Some climb the corporate ladder and attain significant wealth, while others struggle to make ends meet in jobs with nearly unlivable wages. So what determines who gains career success and who does not?

Organizations need to consider inclusion and belonging in their employee well-being initiatives. Diversity and equity are important, but inclusion and belonging give diversity and equity meaning. Belonging, especially, is a vital yet intangible outcome of excellent inclusion practices. A well-being initiative that incorporates inclusion and belonging prioritizes the unique perspectives that a diverse workforce offers.

The inclusion arm of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) strategies is often hard to measure. Diversity is a numerical fact about employees’ uniqueness. Equity is a body of strategic policy and procedure to benefit and protect employees. Inclusion necessitates leader and employee action to influence organizational culture. Even more abstract than inclusion, belonging is how individuals feel about the culture.

Let’s explore the difference between inclusion and belonging and how to emphasize inclusion and belonging in well-being initiatives.

Cum pot organizațiile să-și pregătească angajații pentru un viitor profesional care este volatil, nesigur, complex și ambiguu? Răspunsul este recalificarea.

Felul în care lucrăm s-a schimbat mult in ultimii ani, iar aceasta transformare probabil că va continua. Un mediu caracterizat de schimbări constante poate fi descris cu acronimul VNCA: volatilitate, nesiguranță, complexitate și ambiguitate În circumstanțe VNCA, poate fi dificil să se estimeze următorul trimestru, ca să nu mai vorbim de următorul an sau deceniu. Pregătirea pentru un viitor imprevizibil este o provocare formidabilă pentru organizații, dar recalificarea este o parte integrantă a succesului.

Printre numeroșii factori determinanți ai recalificării, doi ies în evidență. Automatizarea activităților și efectele pandemiei asupra economiei au dus la schimbări profesionale semnificative în întreaga lume. Până la jumătate din angajații din toate domeniile vor trebui să se recalifice până în 2025.

Citiți mai departe pentru a afla ce înseamnă recalificarea și cum poate contribui Hogan.

The Superstar Effect

Postat de la 02 Sep, 2022 in categoria Abilitati

Superstar workers aren’t always as good as they seem. When other high performers must compete with superstars, they can become demotivated. This is known as the superstar effect, and it can have a significant impact on teams and organizations.

Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, explored the superstar effect and how it relates to teams and organizations.

Let’s dive into what to do about the problem of superstars.

One of the primary tasks of leadership is to effectively and efficiently allocate an organization’s resources. In business, this requires leaders to make critical decisions that ultimately determine the success or failure of the organization. However, making good business decisions alone is not enough to guarantee success. Effective leaders must also have the interpersonal skills to get along with others and build high-performing teams. Both critical reasoning skills and interpersonal skills are effective predictors of performance. Logically then, employers who care about job performance should want to know two things: do my employees make good decisions and do they have the interpersonal skills to effectively function? The best way to answer these questions is by using assessments.

Derailers are important because they are the habitual behavioral patterns that can get in our way. Typically operating below the level of conscious awareness, these behaviors are often easy to ignore. But when overused, they hinder performance. Coaching people to learn to work with derailers and manage stress can be a gateway into new understanding and help them increase their effectiveness.

The Stress-performance Relationship

The relationship between stress and performance level can be summarized by the bell-shaped stress-performance curve, also referred to as Yerkes-Dodson law (figure 1).

Many of our clients use Hogan Assessments to support selection and talent development programs. Due to the pandemic, however, selection has (understandably) been cut back dramatically. Now, HR teams have to focus on more difficult people issues while learning and development programs may be put on hold.

However, we still speak to HR professionals and coaches on a daily basis about support for different types of people initiatives. Not surprisingly, at a time when leaders are making decisions in high-pressure circumstances, and with budgets tighter than ever, addressing difficult people issues is extra complicated. As a result, we are keen to encourage clients to use valuable resources that are already available to them.

Many have not thought about using existing resources to support pressing, often unavoidable interventions. Here are three of the most common situations where we have been able to recommend organizations take another look at the Hogan Assessment data they already hold.

Lucrul de acasa si noile competente

Desfasurarea activitatii de acasa nu este o experienta noua pentru unii angajati. Aceasta tendinta este valabila in intreaga lume. Cu toate acestea, numarul real al persoanelor care lucreaza efectiv de acasa este mai mic decat numarul job-urilor care pot fi derulate de la distanta. Cel putin, aceasta a fost tendinta inainte de situatia curenta in care ne aflam generata de criza COVID-19. Ceea ce am vazut recent este ca pandemia a fortat multi angajati si organizatii sa faca trecerea, in mod oficial, la un mediul de lucru virtual.

Organizatiile s-au concentrat sa le asigure angajatilor lor toate resursele necesare pentru a-si desfasura activitatea eficient, asigurandu-se ca au tehnologia si infrastructura necesara (accesul la dispozitive inteligente, la platforme pentru conferinte video, securitatea internetului, etc.).

Cu toate acestea, este important sa nu neglijam comportamentele care devin necesare pentru ca oamenii sa poata lucra eficient de acasa, in mediul virtual.

Leadership in “noua normalitate”

Postat de la 29 Jun, 2020 in categoria Abilitati

In timp ce guvernele din intreaga lume sunt supuse unor presiuni tot mai mari de reluare a activitatii sociale si economice, liderii de pretutindeni iau decizii confruntandu-se cu incertitudinea si informatiile contradictorii. Deciziile care au dus la inchiderea afacerilor si carantinarea oraselor, desi au fost dificile, au reprezentat exercitii cu impact pe termen scurt si au fost mult mai usoare comparativ cu procesul decizional pe care liderii sunt nevoiti sa il ia atunci cand sunt implicatii pe termen lung.

Pentru a castiga ceva nou si important in viata, inevitabil ne confruntam cu alegeri. Nu vom pierde in greutate fara a ne schimba obiceiurile alimentare si nivelul activitatilor fizice. Nu ne vom consolida relatiile de familie fara a investi in timp de calitate cu cei dragi. Nu vom invata o limba straina fara a fi consecventi si a ne face timp pentru studiu si practica.

Pentru lideri, pana acum, 2020 a fost un exercitiu intens in luarea unor decizii dificile. Probabil ca si restul acestui an va fi pentru cei mai multi lideri si antreprenori un exercitiu de antrenare a constientizarii de sine, precum si un sir de alegeri si adaptari care sa permita supravietuirea si ridicarea organizatiilor pe care le conduc.

In multe dintre aceste decizii viitoare, identificarea alegerilor corecte si a celor gresite va fi dificila. In aceste timpuri, este critic pentru lideri sa reflecteze asupra unor intrebari cheie:

HR Survey Pulse

Postat de la 01 May, 2020 in categoria Abilitati

During the month of April, this year, during the beginning of Covid-19 crisis, our business psychologists and consultants created a short pulse survey to understand more about what measures are companies taking under this new context we all experience in order to keep the business running and their people safe.

Therefore, we have deployed the survey to 250 companies from different industries. 53% of respondent companies have more than 500 employees.

We have invited HR professionals to respond to our questions.

The responses indicated the following:

  • Consultantul tau 
  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – The truth about leadership


  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – Personality and the Fate of Organizations


  • Robert Hogan on the Importance of Humility in Leaders


  • The Incident — How Do You Derail?

  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan on Personality Psychology, the Bright Side, and the Dark Side



  • Stereotipuri si perceptii sociale

  • Leadership masculin vs. feminin

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