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5 Foolproof Tips for a Successful Internship

Postat de la 13 Nov, 2024 in categoria Dezvoltare

In recent years, interns have taken on increasingly strategic roles within companies. Internships not only support HR succession planning but also offer a mutually beneficial exchange. While companies gain new talent and technologies, interns gain practical experience, build professional networks, and develop their portfolios. Internships can also help secure a full-time job.

The Psychology of Nightmares

Postat de la 17 Oct, 2024 in categoria Personalitate

Do personality characteristics relate to nightmares? If so, which?

Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp spoke with returning podcast guest Zlatan Krizan, PhD, professor of psychology at Iowa State University, about the psychology of nightmares.

As a child, Zlatan had a recurring nightmare of a gorilla coming down a hallway toward his bedroom. Within one of these nightmares, he eventually realized he was dreaming and decided to flee the gorilla by jumping out of his bedroom window. He woke up before he landed and never had the dream again.

This article covers what causes nightmares, what happens in the brain during dreams, the difference between nightmares and night terrors, and the impact of personality.

How to Take a Personality Test

Postat de la 17 Oct, 2024 in categoria Personalitate

A personality test isn’t quite like other job-related tests. There’s no such thing as passing or failing, for one. And it’s not even truly a test—it’s an assessment, which is more like a measurement. Because of that, we have a few important tips for how to take a personality test.

This article, signed by  Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp, covers what a personality assessment measures, how to take a personality assessment, and how not to.

Modern Team Development

Postat de la 10 Oct, 2024 in categoria Echipa

Teamwork has changed significantly in recent years, as many of us have transitioned to hybrid or remote working models. But teams haven’t disappeared; they just operate differently now. Modern team development is the key to building high-performing teams in this new landscape of work.

The Hidden Drawbacks of a Nice Corporate Culture

Postat de la 10 Oct, 2024 in categoria Assessment

Niceness isn’t always as nice as it seems. As many organizations with a nice corporate culture are finding out, having a reputation for niceness can carry some challenges. A nice culture sometimes focuses on getting along to the detriment of delivering results.

Is Your Employee Engagement Strategy Working?

Postat de la 05 Sep, 2024 in categoria HR

Organizations tend to assume that high employee engagement is always positive and low engagement is always negative. But in truth, an employee engagement strategy that is based on data and communicated with clarity is much better than one that mandates high engagement at any cost.

Learning from Failure

Postat de la 28 Aug, 2024 in categoria Coaching

Nobody’s perfect. Everyone has failed at some point throughout life. But while many of us try to avoid failure, some of us learn from it instead. Learning from failure involves a willingness to take risks, reflect on performance, and change.

When organizations select a leader, they are making a multiyear investment in development. As leaders prepare to move to higher managerial levels, they need to develop skills to equip them for success in their changing role. The skills of leadership aren’t technical skills such as Scrum, SEO, or SQL. Rather, they are socioemotional skills such as setting vision, building relationships, driving change, and making decisions. These skills evolve with leadership advancement. Experienced talent professionals recognize the importance of leadership development strategies at every managerial level.

The Hogan Coaching Protocol

Postat de la 16 Aug, 2024 in categoria Coaching

What does it mean to coach the Hogan way? Effective Hogan coaching follows a specific protocol that is founded on principles of assessment-based coaching and a better definition of leadership. It helps leaders understand their reputations and modify their behavior for team effectiveness.

Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp spoke with Trish Kellett, MBA, director of the Hogan Coaching Network, and Jackie Sahm, MS, vice president of integrated solutions at Hogan Assessments. Trish and Jackie are the authors of Coaching the Hogan Way, which introduces the Hogan coaching protocol.

Becoming a Manager: 11 Most Difficult Challenges

Postat de la 16 Aug, 2024 in categoria Leadership

Becoming a manager for the first time is an exciting career milestone. But because of the magnitude of change involved, making the transition to management can also be nerve-racking for many people. If you’re a new manager or preparing to become a manager, here’s what you can expect as you enter this new phase of your career.

  • Consultantul tau 
  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – The truth about leadership


  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – Personality and the Fate of Organizations


  • Robert Hogan on the Importance of Humility in Leaders


  • The Incident — How Do You Derail?

  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan on Personality Psychology, the Bright Side, and the Dark Side



  • Stereotipuri si perceptii sociale

  • Leadership masculin vs. feminin

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