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Reading the business news makes it obvious that CEOs have a huge impact on organizational success. When corporations succeed, their CEOs are usually credited for company performance. When corporations fail, sometimes in colossal fashion, their CEOs are blamed and unceremoniously removed. At Hogan, we are no strangers to this conversation, frequently emphasizing the critical role of leadership in organizational success and failure. But just how important is it for organizations to get the right person in charge? What is the value of an effective CEO?

March 11 marked the one-year anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring COVID-19 a pandemic. In May 2020, we analyzed changes in weekly mean scores during the seven weeks after the WHO declaration. At the time, we found little evidence of COVID-19 changing personality assessment scores, with the exception of statistically significant but minimal changes in Science and Altruism scores.

Having the right people in the right job roles means everything when it comes to organizational success. But if your organization doesn’t have a sound talent acquisition strategy, identifying and hiring those people can be a murky process, dependent on guesswork and laden with potential for mistakes. That’s why you need a playbook — a game plan with proven methods for your team to find its most ideal new players. Here’s what you need to know to get started.

2020 va ramane cu siguranta un an de cotitura in istorie. Cu evenimente neasteptate, fara precedent, pe multiple planuri, cu puternice si subtile implicatii pe termen scurt si lung. Am fost pusi in fata unor situatii care ne-au schimbat tututor maniera in care privim lumea, intelegerea asupra a ceea ce putem controla si ce nu, modul in care ne raportam la noi insine, la munca, la viata, in general, si la cei din jur.

Am invatat, mai mult sau mai putin, sa traim cu incertitudinea, sa planuim pas cu pas, pe termen scurt, sa ne adaptam unui mod de lucru care este in curs de asezare, sa reprioritizam, sa ne acceptam umanitatea, trauma traita colectiv si personal, vulnerabilitatea mai mult decat vreodata in vremurile «certe».

Liderii au fost nevoiti mai mult ca niciodata sa se adapteze unor realitati complet noi, sa iasa din zona de confort, sa aiba grija de oameni si de business asa cum nu au mai fost nevoiti vreodata sa o faca. In acest context, calitatea celor care sunt la putere conteaza mai mult ca oricand pentru ca afacerile sa supravietuiasca, sa se rearticuleze, sa performeze, pentru ca oamenii sa isi mentina nivelul de energie, motivatie si angajament.

Hogan European HR Survey

Postat de la 17 Dec, 2020 in categoria Assessment

At the end of October Hogan Assessment run a European survey regarding the Future of work.

Take a look at the summary results:

Personality and Leader 360 Performance

Postat de la 17 Dec, 2020 in categoria Personalitate

There is great value in using well-validated 360 and personality assessments to help enhance your self-awareness and development. While both types of assessments provide valuable insights regarding a your strengths and opportunities when used alone, they are particularly powerful when used together as part of coaching or development conversations. The 360 assessment provides useful information on your performance and reputation at a given point in time, while personality assessments help to explain what may be driving certain behaviours.

Drawing on recent research examining the results of over 2,500 leaders with matched 360 and personality data, this article summarises some key insights on the association between personality and 360 performance. Considerations for leaders wishing to enhance their performance and reputation are also included.

Are Your Leaders Ready for the Next Normal?

Postat de la 29 Oct, 2020 in categoria Leadership

The black swan of COVID-19 came from out of nowhere to disrupt daily life and derail an historically strong economy, with social and economic aftershocks that will reverberate for years to come. The pandemic has also revealed some things about the state of play in leadership that we have to face.

Gross disparities in how leaders have responded make it painfully obvious how unprepared many of them were for the crisis. Further, a distinguishing quality of those who were able to rise to the challenge is versatility: They drew on a broad range of mindsets and behaviors in leading their teams and organizations through constantly shifting, and often conflicting, priorities and challenges.

This highlights a distinct form of leadership that’s well suited for disruptive change and simultaneously exposes significant problems with the way leadership is typically defined, assessed, and developed.

Enroll for the demo session on the 29th of October 10:00- 11:00

We’re excited to announce the official launch of the Hogan Candidate Assessment Suite the most robust talent acquisition solution in the industry.

Hiring used to be a shot in the dark. With the Hogan Candidate Assessment Suite, hiring is a fast and valid prediction of performance, packaging Hogan’s rigorous science in the simplest user experience. Whatever the role, this new platform identifies the best performers based on millions of workplace performance data points.

CEOs Personality Profile in Crisis

Postat de la 19 Oct, 2020 in categoria Leadership

The new realities shaped by the disruptive and complex moment we are experiencing are completely different for each organization. This situation is forcing some companies to completely reinvent themselves, while others are unable to operate as needed. Others are seeing turnover grow at unexpected levels. The personality characteristics of the CEOs of the companies influence the consequences that each of the companies is experiencing as a result of the pandemic.

The Leader in Times of Crisis Program

This article will focus on how the CEOs scored on the Hogan Personality Inventory (bright side of personality), or HPI, which evaluates seven aspects of personality that tend to appear during everyday situations and the Hogan Development Survey (dark side of personality), or HDS, measures the 11 aspects of personality that can derail performance during times like these.

Team Effectiveness in the COVID-19 World

Postat de la 22 Sep, 2020 in categoria Echipa

Earlier this year, before the global pandemic, I returned to the office after an extended business trip. When I walked into the building, the environment felt different. The building was the same, the furniture was where it had been before, and my colleagues were still the same lovely people, but the atmosphere felt somewhat unfamiliar. It was because there had been a break in my routine. Humans are creatures of habit — we rely on routines to help us manage our busy schedules, remain productive, and keep us sane. When our routines change, we must adapt, create new strategies, or run the risk of being ineffective, unproductive, or even misaligned.

  • Consultantul tau 
  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – The truth about leadership


  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – Personality and the Fate of Organizations


  • Robert Hogan on the Importance of Humility in Leaders


  • The Incident — How Do You Derail?

  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan on Personality Psychology, the Bright Side, and the Dark Side



  • Stereotipuri si perceptii sociale

  • Leadership masculin vs. feminin

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