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At the end of last year, Hart Consulting conducted a comprehensive survey among its clients to identify the most critical priorities on HR’s strategic agenda for 2025 compared to 2024.

What unique transition challenges do new CEOs face? How can they optimize high performance in the crucial first few months?

Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp spoke with Ty Wiggins, PhD, who is the lead for the CEO and executive transition practice at Russell Reynolds Associates. He is the author of The New CEO: Lessons from CEOs on How to Start Well and Perform Quickly (Minus the Common Mistakes).

When organizations select a leader, they are making a multiyear investment in development. As leaders prepare to move to higher managerial levels, they need to develop skills to equip them for success in their changing role. The skills of leadership aren’t technical skills such as Scrum, SEO, or SQL. Rather, they are socioemotional skills such as setting vision, building relationships, driving change, and making decisions. These skills evolve with leadership advancement. Experienced talent professionals recognize the importance of leadership development strategies at every managerial level.

Becoming a Manager: 11 Most Difficult Challenges

Postat de la 16 Aug, 2024 in categoria Leadership

Becoming a manager for the first time is an exciting career milestone. But because of the magnitude of change involved, making the transition to management can also be nerve-racking for many people. If you’re a new manager or preparing to become a manager, here’s what you can expect as you enter this new phase of your career.

Occupational well-being is an essential part of overall well-being. Effective leadership coaching will personalize developmental feedback to the leader’s needs based on the context of their role, function, and organization and on their personality. Individual differences in personality reveal how people experience well-being at work and how they manage stress. Leadership development should investigate how everyday personality characteristics, stress responses, and values can affect a leader’s well-being—and ultimately the well-being of the leader’s team and other stakeholders.

Liderii și cultura organizațională

Postat de la 21 May, 2024 in categoria Leadership

Credințele, valorile se transmit din familie și devin adânc înrădăcinate în noi, transformându-se în lentilele prin care privim lumea, ce este „bine”, „dezirabil” sau „indezirabil”, ce apreciem și ce respingem, ce recompensăm și ce sancționăm.

Cultura organizațională a unei companii este dată de cultura celor de la vârful organizației. Așa cum demonstrează cercetările lui Rob Kaizer și Robert Hogan, personalitatea liderilor creează climatul cultural și influențează performanța organizațională. Un lider disfuncțional cu o nevoie puternică de putere ar putea deraia organizația sau ar putea folosi resursele în scop personal.

Four Metacompetencies of Leadership

Postat de la 15 May, 2024 in categoria Leadership

Effective leaders exhibit four metacompetencies of leadership:

(1) being emotionally intelligent

(2) being achievement focused

(3) being strategic

(4) being inspiring

In this article, we explore the research behind these metacompetencies and how they influence leadership effectiveness.

When organizations select a leader, they are making a multiyear investment in development. As leaders prepare to move to higher managerial levels, they need to develop skills to equip them for success in their changing role. The skills of leadership aren’t technical skills such as Scrum, SEO, or SQL. Rather, they are socioemotional skills such as setting vision, building relationships, driving change, and making decisions. These skills evolve with leadership advancement. Experienced talent professionals recognize the importance of leadership development strategies at every managerial level.

How Humble Leaders Create Engagement

Postat de la 11 Mar, 2024 in categoria Leadership

“Humble leaders create engagement,” said Robert Hogan, PhD, founder and president of Hogan Assessments.

Humility is a complex characteristic to translate into behavior. Sometimes the word humility is even used as a generalization for meekness or deference. Instead of humility, most people are likely to think of charisma as an essential trait in engaging leaders. Although charismatic people may often sit in leadership roles, humble people are more effective at the task of leading.1

În cadrul evenimentului ”Women Changemakers in 2024 – Enhance the Power of Women Collaboration”, organizat de EBW Club & ELITE Consulting & Communication, Mădălina Bălan, Managing Partner Hart Consulting, a vorbit despre motivele pentru care femeile sunt mai slab reprezentate la nivel de leadership decât bărbații. Argumentele s-au bazat pe Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), un instrument de evaluare a personalității utilizat de companii Top 500 Fortune pentru a evalua trăsăturile de personalitate relevante pentru performanța în medii profesionale, pe diferite roluri si mai ales pe roluri manageriale. 

  • Consultantul tau 
  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – The truth about leadership


  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – Personality and the Fate of Organizations


  • Robert Hogan on the Importance of Humility in Leaders


  • The Incident — How Do You Derail?

  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan on Personality Psychology, the Bright Side, and the Dark Side



  • Stereotipuri si perceptii sociale

  • Leadership masculin vs. feminin

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