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I’m an Executive … Get Me out of Here!

Postat de la 08 Aug, 2019 in categoria Leadership

Externally recruited CEOs are almost seven times more likely to be dismissed within a short tenure than those who are promoted from within the organization. No matter how much a board learns about an outside candidate, executive stakeholders simply have a better understanding of an internal contender’s strengths and weaknesses, especially as they relate to the current business landscape and strategic objectives. In 2014, 78 percent of S&P 500 CEOs were sourced internally; most companies are paying attention to building a sustainable leadership pipeline that readies executives and potential executives to advance. But when succession plans are enacted, those high potential managers entering the executive ranks typically face a set of challenges uniquely appropriate for a coach to tackle.

Too Much Charisma Can Be Harmful

Postat de la 10 Jul, 2019 in categoria Leadership

Conventional wisdom suggests that the most charismatic leaders are also the best leaders. Charismatic leaders have, for instance, the ability to inspire others toward higher levels of performance and to instill deep levels of commitment, trust, and satisfaction. As a result, they are generally perceived by their subordinates to be more effective, compared with less charismatic leaders.

But Hogan Assessments’ research shows that while having at least a moderate level of charisma is important, having too much may hinder a leader’s effectiveness. We conducted three studies, involving 800 business leaders globally and around 7,500 of their superiors, peers, and subordinates. Leaders occupied different managerial levels, ranging from supervisors to general managers.

Evaluarea CEO-ului si performanta companiilor

Postat de la 18 Jun, 2019 in categoria Leadership

Desi viitorul va presupune o multitudine de schimbari de paradigme aduse de tehnologie, globalizare si transformarea continutului multor job-uri, totusi exista o constanta care credem ca nu se va dilua niciodata si anume aspectele fundamentale ale leadership-ului.

In business, conteaza trei lucruri: resursele, banii si oamenii. Prin definitie, companiile inteleg cum sa abordeze aspectul financiar, insa tind sa fie mai putin sofisticate in ceea ce priveste oamenii, iar multi manageri inteleg ca revitalizarea unui business sub-performant depinde in mare masura de acestia.

Exista numeroase dovezi stiintifice care sugereaza ca firmele ar putea imbunatati evaluarea liderilor. Un studiu recent, efectuat de Alix Partners, ne arata ca pentru 4 din 5 CEOs care au fost inlocuiti, decizia a venit mult prea tarziu, limitand astfel dezvoltarea firmei pentru o perioada mai mare de timp.

Cine ar trebui sa conduca?

Postat de la 07 Mar, 2019 in categoria Leadership

Leadership-ul nu are gen

De cate ori apare subiectul “femei versus barbati in business”, si mai ales legat de femei si barbati aflati la conducere, discutiile se aprind. Se vorbeste despre rolurile femeii si al barbatului in societate, uneori polarizandu-se taberele. Conversatia despre diversitatea de gen in leadership abunda de credinte personale, stereotipuri, experiente particulare de viata, povesti din cercul de prieteni si asa mai departe.

Leadership si modestie: Ce ne invata psihologia

Postat de la 14 Jan, 2019 in categoria Leadership

Cat de “cool” este sa fii modest?

Liderii mai modesti au mai mult impact in business. Ei rasplatesc echipa, sunt dispusi sa imparta meritele cu cei din jur si sunt mai receptivi la feedback, chiar si atunci cand acesta este negativ.

Un studiu recent la nivel global arata ca modestia este foarte importanta pentru orice lider de succes, fiind critica pentru crearea unui mediu in care angajatii sa se simta inclusi si valorizati.

Angajatii s-au simtit mai bine in echipe atunci cand managerul a aratat ca este dispus sa:

1)   invete din criticile negative si sa isi recunoasca greselile

2)   isi incurajeze echipa sa invete si sa se dezvolte

3)   isi asume riscuri personale pentru binele comun al echipei

4)   ii tina responsabili pe membrii echipei pentru rezultatele agreate.

Cine este responsabil de engagement?

Postat de la 04 Oct, 2018 in categoria Leadership

Toate organizatiile performante isi doresc sa masoare nivelul de angajament al angajatilor. Pana la urma, diferenta dintre bine si exceptional sta in efortul depus si gradul de implicare.  Cu cat creste angajamentul in organizatie, cu atat se obtin rezultate mai bune. Ce ar putea fi mai simplu?

Intrebarea este cum putem face acest lucru si cine are responsabilitatea implementarii. Desi angajamentul este adesea masurat si evaluat de catre departamentul de resurse umane prin sondaje, adevarata responsabilitate sta pe umerii managerului care poate crea un climat de lucru unde angajatii se simt apreciati si sunt motivati sa contribuie. Puteti stabili orice mottouri doriti despre „cum se lucreaza aici” ,insa acestea devin realitate doar prin interacțiunile managerilor cu echipele lor si modul în care membrii echipei individuale interactioneaza unii cu ceilalti. Aceste aspecte definesc cultura, care determină la randul ei gradul de implicare.

Când discutăm de leadership, cel mai adesea ne concentrăm asupra liderilor, și omitem că fără followeri, liderul ar deveni doar un exponent individual al propriei dorințe de a avea rezultate remarcabile, succes sau a deține puterea. În contextul distincției între grup și echipă, dinamica dintre lider și followeri reprezintă unul dintre cele trei modele de adaptare și evoluție umană de la stadiul arhaic până la stadiul ultra-social de astăzi. Robert Hogan și Robert Kaizen, ale căror lucrări asupra leadershipului au deja notorietate, consideră că leadership-ul colaborativ este, alături de cultura egalitară una dintre cele doua caracteristici prezente de milioane de ani în evoluția socială a individului, astfel că în contextul organizațiilor de astăzi leadership-ul și followership-ul sunt aspecte care potențează eficiența echipelor în egală măsură.

Six lessons on leadership – part 2

Postat de la 19 Apr, 2018 in categoria Leadership

2. Personality predicts leadership

The second lesson concerns personality and leadership. The data are clear: personality is the best single predictor of leader performance that we have. For example, Jim Collins published a milestone study of 11 Fortune 1000 companies which had 15 years of below average performance, followed by a transition year, and then 15 years of performance substantially above their industry average. Collins found that, in each case, a new CEO had turned the company around and that these 11 highly effective CEOs combined extreme personal humility with a fierce and relentless drive to win.  This contrasts with their high profile, publicity-seeking counterparts in poorer performing companies. Personality is important in both cases, and we can also say good-bye to the view that CEOs need charisma to be effective.

Six lessons on leadership – part 1

Postat de la 16 Mar, 2018 in categoria Leadership

I am obsessed with the topic of leadership. Organizations need leaders to make key decisions, anticipate and manage changing market trends, and set strategic vision. When competent leadership prevails, people and companies prosper. Bad leadership almost always creates disengaged workers, corporate chicanery, and, eventually, business failure.

The problem with most leadership competency models is they fail to distinguish between successful managers—people who are rapidly promoted in their organizations, and effective managers—people whose subordinates are committed and whose organizational units perform well. If we distinguish between these groups and review of the leadership literature from the perspective of team effectiveness we find six useful generalizations.

Why is leadership important for the business outcome?

Put simply, there is a high correlation between leader personality against business results and/or organizational effectiveness. To begin, it’s just as important to operationally define leadership as there is no real or stated consensus in the current literature as to how an properly define this psychological dimension. At Hogan, we define leadership is the ability to build and maintain effective teams. Leaders of the organization also influence the culture and dynamic of the top management team or senior leaders, which in turn, influences the performance of the organization. Essentially, personality predicts leadership potential and style, leadership style predicts employee attitudes and team functioning, and team functioning predict organizational performance.

  • Consultantul tau 
  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – The truth about leadership


  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – Personality and the Fate of Organizations


  • Robert Hogan on the Importance of Humility in Leaders


  • The Incident — How Do You Derail?

  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan on Personality Psychology, the Bright Side, and the Dark Side



  • Stereotipuri si perceptii sociale

  • Leadership masculin vs. feminin

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