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Are Romanian leadership derailers different from others?

In 2012, we conducted a survey on + 350 people, working adults, from various industries and various levels in organizational hierarchy which aimed to discover what make a bad boss. The survey was also deployed in other countries within Hogan network (from US, Western Europe and Asia) Researchers within HART Consulting used closed questions to investigate this issue and discovered several interesting aspects: first, Romanian leadership flaws are quite similar with what was discovered in other countries. Second, there are some common personal characteristics that predict toxic leadership and in the same time are the very catalysts for ascending the corporate ladder.

Eficienta programelor de dezvoltare

Postat de la 09 Mar, 2016 in categoria Dezvoltare

In ultima perioada, intalnim o abundenta de articole care se concentraza in general pe doua categorii demografice, femeile si tinerii (generatia Y), si care incearca sa explice diferentele in procesul de invatare si dezvoltare. Ideea principala care reiese din aceste articole este ca, daca organizatiile ar intelege cum sa dezvolte mai bine femeile si tinerii, ar rezolva printr-un efect de domino si problemele legate de omogenitatea echipelor de leadership si retentia angajatilor cu potential inalt. Cu toate ca aceste studii/articole aduc o perspectiva valoroasa despre nevoile unice ale acestor doua categorii demografice, pierd din pacate din vedere caracteristicile individuale care ar trebui examinate inainte de investitia in orice efort de dezvoltare.

We’re excited to announce that we’ve established a new strategic partnership with the International Coach Federation (ICF) as an assessment provider for the organization.

The partnership will combine the market-leading strengths of each organization and place Hogan in front of 24,000-plus ICF members in more than 130 countries while providing ICF with the predictive power of Hogan’s assessment suite developed over 30 years of experience with data from millions of global leaders.

We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Sirota, a world leader in employee engagement, to develop the Engaging Leader Report, an in-depth approach to organizational engagement.

Employees are fully engaged and motivated when they first join an organization. However, extensive research indicates that these naturally occurring high levels of engagement and enthusiasm drop by an average of 20 percent after the first six months. The primary reason for this engagement decline is ineffective and disengaging leadership.

The Millennial Complex

Postat de la 27 Oct, 2015 in categoria Abilitati

Millennials are hard to understand and are often categorized by their generational stereotypes of laziness, entitlement, and materialistic. As generations work together, they tend to disagree on how the professional world operates.

We outline how similar Millennials are to other generations and explain why based on Hogan research. Additionally, this ebook provides three suitable ideas to help improve employee engagement across the generations.

Unlocking the Door to Talent

Postat de la 17 Oct, 2015 in categoria Abilitati

Competencies are the key to talent. Whether you are looking for a new job or a promotion, employers will try to evaluate how well your talents fit with a given role. But what competencies are employers looking for today, and how do they measure them? We ouline how Hogan can ensure that companies acquire the right people for their workplace with Hogan Configure. It is a three-step process that helps employers compare candidates.

What does it take to be a good leader? One reason that’s such a perennial question is because it’s so hard to answer. Many of our opinions about leadership are based on subjective experiences rather than the full breadth of psychological research in the field. We may think we know what qualities we value in those who lead us—and why—but companies and entire countries keep pushing less than stellar leaders into positions of power. How come?

Our habits define us. But how true is this for our digital habits? Are we the same online as offline? In the early days of the internet, it was probably safe to assume that our online behaviours did not reveal much about our real-world personas. This notion was popularised by the “on the internet, nobody knows you’re dog” caption of a famous New Yorker cartoon.

Why Are Selection Assessments So Scary?

Postat de la 17 Aug, 2015 in categoria Assessment, Selectie

In June, an article in Time magazine delved into the use of assessments in employee selection. It wasn’t the first time the mainstream media has found a story in assessments, and it probably won’t be the last. The article added some interesting thoughts to the ongoing dialogue, providing examples of companies that use assessments and why they believe in the tools and tying the use of assessments to the growing Big Data trend in business. However, it also reiterated much of what’s been said before, including the common lament that assessments are a “black box” and that relying on this kind of data is somehow more fraught with the potential for error than relying on other selection tools, such as in-person interviews.

Pastila de Learning & Development

Postat de la 05 Aug, 2015 in categoria Dezvoltare

Faptul ca abordarea clasica nu mai functioneaza in programele de dezvoltare este deja o stire veche. S-au scris articole, s-au facut studii si interviuri nenumarate despre limitarile instruirii in clasa ca unic instrument de dezvoltare a angajatilor, insa, in continuare, bugete substantiale se aloca pe zona de transfer de cunostinte, de abilitati, fara a clarifica daca acestea sunt si cele care au impact direct in performanta.

  • Consultantul tau 
  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – The truth about leadership


  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – Personality and the Fate of Organizations


  • Robert Hogan on the Importance of Humility in Leaders


  • The Incident — How Do You Derail?

  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan on Personality Psychology, the Bright Side, and the Dark Side



  • Stereotipuri si perceptii sociale

  • Leadership masculin vs. feminin

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