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The entrepreneurial economy may feel like a new frontier, but it may have a dark side.

Peter Harms, PhD, professor of management at the University of Alabama’s Culverhouse College of Business, spoke about two trends: (1) the shift toward an entrepreneurial economy and (2) the increase in mental health disorders. Peter discussed some of his recent research about how the entrepreneurial economy may have a dark side for mental health, particularly for younger generations.

În cadrul evenimentului ”Women Changemakers in 2024 – Enhance the Power of Women Collaboration”, organizat de EBW Club & ELITE Consulting & Communication, Mădălina Bălan, Managing Partner Hart Consulting, a vorbit despre motivele pentru care femeile sunt mai slab reprezentate la nivel de leadership decât bărbații. Argumentele s-au bazat pe Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), un instrument de evaluare a personalității utilizat de companii Top 500 Fortune pentru a evalua trăsăturile de personalitate relevante pentru performanța în medii profesionale, pe diferite roluri si mai ales pe roluri manageriale. 

Many global executives understand how crucial it is to have a skills-based hiring strategy grounded in data to thrive in this digital world. However, most organizations don’t have the right data required to make well-informed skills-based talent decisions.

Continue reading to learn why skills-based hiring is so important and what steps organizations can take to implement a more robust talent strategy.

How Do Personality Tests Work?

Postat de la 23 Jan, 2024 in categoria Personalitate

Before committing to a psychometric tool, employers should get a peek under the hood and ensure that they have a basic understanding of how personality tests work. The assessment industry is unregulated, which means it’s flooded with tests that promise more than they can deliver. Being informed can help you avoid introducing the psychometric equivalent of snake oil into your organization. This article will explain the key areas employers should focus on when trying to understand the nuts and bolts of personality tests.

Mădălina Bălan, interviu in Revista Biz

Postat de la 22 Jan, 2024 in categoria Leadership

Liderii români sunt motivați de a face o diferență, de succes și realizare

Care sunt cele mai importante abilități ale liderilor români în anul 2024 și care sunt deosebirile dintre liderii locali și cei străini, ne-a explicat Mădălina Bălan, Managing Partner la HART Consulting, companie care a publicat, la finalul anului trecut, concluziile studiului „Nuanțele leadershipului românesc: ce ne deosebește de alți lideri din alte colțuri ale lumii”.

Do different types of leaders emerge in different markets? How do personality and culture impact cross-border business?

Keep reading to learn more about cultural differences in who becomes a leader, how to lead an international team, and ways organizations can leverage personality assessment data to select and develop globally minded leaders.

Our partners’ opinion on AI and leadership

Postat de la 27 Nov, 2023 in categoria Leadership

How can a leader keep his humanity when so much of our work and life is being automated and the AI so present?

Cristina-MancasCristina Mancaș – HRVP at Schneider Electric South-East Europe

In the AI era we all started to question our roles and abilities to contribute to society. It used to be that the AI was going to replace the more physical, dangerous, and repetitive jobs, whereas now we see that it is touching creative industries, competing there more successfully than we could have ever imagined. It leaves you wondering of course, we are just a small piece in a giant machine, isn’t it? But we do need to remember what makes us human and what makes companies function and create value. At the same time, we should not be afraid to learn to work with and harness the AI powers.

In the years to come, we will surely need to redefine our individual roles. The faster we understand this and the faster we embrace and learn to incorporate AI into our day-to-day activities, the better we will be. It is no different and no less significant than the revolution caused by the personal computers. Now we cannot imagine not working with them – whether they come in the shape of a laptop or of a smartphone – and we notice how limited have become the options of those who did not adapt to use them. The same thing will happen with the AI – it will help us work better, but we will first have to adjust and embrace it.


Corneliu-BodeaCorneliu Bodea – CEO Adrem & President of Romanian Energy Center

AI is not yet so present in our lives in such a way to look to our ‘humanity’, and this is why I consider that the humanity in us is for future generations to consider. Although it looks like we still have time, I believe that we have to set some rules referring the AI developments. This needs a philosophical approach and not a technological one. I am a partisan of regulation in this beautiful human endeavor.

Leadership is about love, about feelings and that is why I believe that expressing your feelings and vulnerability is key to perform in this direction. That is why, people will never ever have as leaders AI … elements.

Our partners’ opinion on leadership. Part two.

Postat de la 16 Nov, 2023 in categoria Leadership

Andreea MihneaAndreea Mihnea, Chief People Officer, First Bank

  1. How would you define leadership? Are there any universal characteristics of good leadership? How can you tell? If so, what are the top 3-5 characteristics of good leadership regardless of context?

Leadership can be defined by two qualities: the ability to generate a vision of a better or more adequate environment to attain a specific purpose and the capacity to make that new reality happen through people.

It is very easy to see where leadership is absent as change is also not there; in a world where change is the norm, we often see environments that remain inert, failing to grow and reinvent themselves. By contrast, leadership is present wherever there is visible successful change in communities, companies, society. One might say that a leader is the one who can make change happen.

In my view, regardless of context, the following characteristics make a good leader:

  • A healthy level of emotional intelligence
  • A good understanding of social networks dynamics
  • Strong communication ability
  • Courage
  • Energy
  1. What is the impact of top leadership team’s values within organization? Why are values important at leadership team level?

The impact is real even though it is often not easily correlated with the values espoused at the top. Since values are anchors that guide everyday decisions and leaders make the most decisions affecting the organization’s course of life, values of the top team are essential for the latter’s success.

I have learned to look closer at the small things in order to assess the values of the leaders I work with. The reason is that they normally pay attention to their image and naturally tend to take care of the big things they do and how they do them. But their real values are revealed in small, mundane circumstances. When they are late, when mistakes are made, when they are wrong and do not want to admit responsibility, when they procrastinate decisions, when they take people for granted, when they overuse their status and power.

  1. What are the most important themes for leadership development nowadays? Do organizations trust leadership development initiatives? Do these initiatives pay off? How can we avoid failure of such development programs?

I believe the most important topics for leadership development nowadays are: personal energy management, exercising a growth mindset and creating psychological safety.

If done right, yes, organizations and leaders receive these initiatives as gifts. To avoid their failure, we need to make sure leaders are first and foremost exposed to self-awareness and reflection and that such programs are facilitated by very professional individuals who need to be leaders themselves to be credible.

  1. People’s dark side can interfere with business results and the quality of their lives. So how do we manage it constructively? How have you used Hogan Leadership assessment to coach and develop leaders and to improve leadership team effectiveness?

In our case it was used for a better team alignment at the top as a starting point. The fact that our dark side is easily perceived by others and not by ourselves makes Hogan Leadership Assessment a very powerful tool to uncover who each member of the team really is, at individual level, like a mirror that others are uncomfortable to put in front of us directly. Hogan Leadership assessment does that at personal level generating a breakthrough for everyone in the team. Most of the members start a journey of introspection and reflection that brings to the team a better individual, one at a time. The effect is even stronger if a 360-degree feed-back is included and the members of the team are able to understand the dynamics they create and how they can create a better version of that team and the impact it can have.

Our partners’ opinion on leadership!

Postat de la 30 Oct, 2023 in categoria Leadership

How would you define leadership? Are there any universal characteristics of good leadership? How can you tell? If so, what are the top 3-5 characteristics of good leadership regardless of context?


Why Assessment-Based Coaching Is Far Superior

Postat de la 16 Aug, 2023 in categoria Coaching

Assessment-based coaching is transformative, far superior to traditional coaching because it is grounded in objective data essential to the coach and the participant.

Recently on Hogan Assessments’ The Science of Personality podcast, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp spoke with four-time guest Jackie Sahm, MS, Hogan’s director of product development, about why assessment-based coaching is better than any other kind.

  • Consultantul tau 
  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – The truth about leadership


  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – Personality and the Fate of Organizations


  • Robert Hogan on the Importance of Humility in Leaders


  • The Incident — How Do You Derail?

  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan on Personality Psychology, the Bright Side, and the Dark Side



  • Stereotipuri si perceptii sociale

  • Leadership masculin vs. feminin

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