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What it Takes to be a Great Leader

Postat de la 16 Aug, 2023 in categoria Leadership

Looking at the Hogan 360 benchmark results of 29,026 leaders, the researchers identified leadership strengths by job role and by top quartile results and identified the competencies that separate the most successful senior leaders from the rest of the pack.

HR Professionals Psychological Profile

Postat de la 29 Mar, 2023 in categoria Assessment

HR professionals are responsible for benefits plans, compensation packages, training and development, talent acquisition etc. They must anticipate problems and manage conflict effectively. Because they also ensure compliance with legal guidelines, they must readily adhere to standards and possess excellent communication skills. Since the role of HR can directly impact employee productivity and well-being, it is essential that HR duties are executed well.

The decision to change your behavior based on personality assessment results is hard. Arriving at that choice requires a leader to have an open mindset, strategic self-awareness, and Hogan coaching. Hogan practitioners who hold feedback sessions and ongoing development discussions need to understand how to predict feedback resistance and guide leaders past it to receptivity. Their conversations about behavioral change must be collaborative and empowering to address feedback resistance and compartmentalization.

By understanding characteristics that might dispose people to feedback resistance, Hogan practitioners can strategically direct a feedback session toward a positive outcome.

Read on to learn ways to turn resistance into receptivity.

Drumul de la rezistenta la receptivitate

Postat de la 27 Mar, 2023 in categoria Leadership

Cum depasim opozitia in cadrul programelor de dezvoltare a talentelor si liderilor

Decizia de a-ti schimba comportamentul pe baza rezultatelor obtinute la testele de personalitate este una grea. Pentru a ajunge la aceasta decizie, un lider trebuie sa aiba o mentalitate de crestere, un nivel bun de constientizare de sine si ghidaj in ceea ce priveste rezultatele sale la chestionarele de personalitate. Consultantii si coachii certificati Hogan Assessments care sustin sesiuni de dezvoltare au nevoie sa inteleaga cum sa prezica rezistenta si sa ghideze spre receptivitate. Conversatia lor despre schimbarile comportamentale trebuie sa fie colaborativa si motivanta.

In cele ce urmeaza te invitam sa descoperi strategii prin care poti transforma rezistenta la feedback si coaching in receptivitate atunci cand derulezi un program de devoltare pornind de la rezultatele Hogan.

What is leadership?

Postat de la 10 Mar, 2023 in categoria Leadership

Famed management consultant Peter Drucker, PhD, once described leadership as being about followership. This may sound redundant, but from our perspective, there’s much more to it. At Hogan, we’ve been studying leadership for decades. In fact, we’re an international authority in the subject—specifically in the relationship between leadership, personality, and job performance. But we realize that, if you’re not an expert, the topic can seem incredibly complex.

Let us explain.

Organizations need to consider inclusion and belonging in their employee well-being initiatives. Diversity and equity are important, but inclusion and belonging give diversity and equity meaning. Belonging, especially, is a vital yet intangible outcome of excellent inclusion practices. A well-being initiative that incorporates inclusion and belonging prioritizes the unique perspectives that a diverse workforce offers.

The inclusion arm of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) strategies is often hard to measure. Diversity is a numerical fact about employees’ uniqueness. Equity is a body of strategic policy and procedure to benefit and protect employees. Inclusion necessitates leader and employee action to influence organizational culture. Even more abstract than inclusion, belonging is how individuals feel about the culture.

Let’s explore the difference between inclusion and belonging and how to emphasize inclusion and belonging in well-being initiatives.

Exhausted? Feeling cynical or negative? Checking out? It’s not just you—especially if you’re an HR professional. As much as burnout today is a global experience, even recognized by the World Health Organization, it has taken an especially serious toll on the very people who are deeply concerned with occupational well-being: human resources professionals.1 So, what’s led to the widespread HR burnout?

The COVID-19 pandemic caused unprecedented changes to the way we work. The toll of remote and hybrid work, the Great Resignation, quiet quitting, layoffs, talent shortage, increased concern for employee wellness, and the global recession have seemed to fall squarely on the shoulders of the HR department. Unsurprisingly, 86% of HR leaders experienced increased stress in 2021, 53% are burned out, and 48% are looking for a new job.2 Too much change too quickly with too few resources and security may lie at the root of why 44% of HR leaders say their stress has increased “dramatically” in the past year.

HR burnout impacts companywide well-being. The job duties of HR leaders encompass everything to do with people, including hiring, onboarding, safety, learning and development, firing, and the execution of other operational procedures.3 When HR professionals spend their time trying to boost companywide well-being, they sometimes pay with their own. Reduced professional efficacy in this sphere has a trickle-down effect to other employees, similar to how caregiver burnout affects dependents.

Read on to learn why the personality characteristics that make HR professionals excellent at their work also dispose them to burnout—and how organizations can help protect them.

Personality and Strategic Performance

Postat de la 16 Dec, 2022 in categoria Personalitate

Business leadership can be just as challenging as elite athletics. In both, strategic performance relies on mindset and personality characteristics.

Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Barry Roche, founder and CEO at RSG Consulting, about the role that personality plays in strategic performance.

Barry’s service in the British Royal Marine Commandos taught him the value of adaptability, physical and mental resilience, and a sense of humor. It also gave him his interest in psychology. With more than two decades of experience building organizations across industries, Barry has seen how important human performance is to business success. “The big problems in businesses always come with people attached,” he said.

Cum pot organizațiile să-și pregătească angajații pentru un viitor profesional care este volatil, nesigur, complex și ambiguu? Răspunsul este recalificarea.

Felul în care lucrăm s-a schimbat mult in ultimii ani, iar aceasta transformare probabil că va continua. Un mediu caracterizat de schimbări constante poate fi descris cu acronimul VNCA: volatilitate, nesiguranță, complexitate și ambiguitate În circumstanțe VNCA, poate fi dificil să se estimeze următorul trimestru, ca să nu mai vorbim de următorul an sau deceniu. Pregătirea pentru un viitor imprevizibil este o provocare formidabilă pentru organizații, dar recalificarea este o parte integrantă a succesului.

Printre numeroșii factori determinanți ai recalificării, doi ies în evidență. Automatizarea activităților și efectele pandemiei asupra economiei au dus la schimbări profesionale semnificative în întreaga lume. Până la jumătate din angajații din toate domeniile vor trebui să se recalifice până în 2025.

Citiți mai departe pentru a afla ce înseamnă recalificarea și cum poate contribui Hogan.

Tania, liderul echipei, descrie un nou proces pe care trebuie să-l implementeze echipa. Fatima observă o posibilă îmbunătățire a eficienței, dar nu spune nimic. Nigel simte că nu i s-a arătat respectul cuvenit prin faptul că Tania nu l-a consultat cu privire la domeniul său de expertiză. Sam se întreabă cum va afecta acest proces celelalte echipe, dar manifestă entuziasm pentru planul Taniei. Denise crede că termenul-limită est prea strâns și întreabă dacă poate fi prelungit. Tania spune că termenul-limită este o prioritate. Ce lipsește din această echipă? Siguranța psihologică.

Procesul Taniei ar fi mult mai bun dacă Fatima și-ar împărtăși ideile, dacă Nigel și-ar aduce contribuția de conținut, dacă Sam ar adresa întrebarea despre efectul schimbării asupra celorlalți și dacă Denise ar oferi critici constructive despre implementare. Ce poate face Tania pentru a dezvolta un mediu de siguranță psihologică a echipei?

Citiți mai departe pentru a afla ce este siguranța psihologică și de ce contează atât de mult în echipe.

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  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan on Personality Psychology, the Bright Side, and the Dark Side



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