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What Team Psychological Safety Is and Why It Matters

Postat de la 02 Nov, 2022 in categoria Echipa

Tania, the team lead, lays out a new process for the team to follow. Fatima sees an efficiency improvement but doesn’t say anything. Nigel feels disrespected that Tania didn’t consult him about his field of expertise. Sam wonders how the process will affect other teams but shows enthusiasm for Tania’s plan. Denise thinks the timeline is far too tight and asks how hard the deadline is. Tania says the deadline is a priority. What’s missing from this team? Psychological safety.

Leadership Through Organizational Crisis

Postat de la 29 Sep, 2022 in categoria Leadership

In 2018, Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 experienced engine failure. Debris from the engine struck the wing and a window, causing rapid decompression in the cabin and one passenger fatality. The flight’s captain, Tammie Jo Shults, who was one of the first women to become a fighter pilot in the U.S. Navy, calmly worked with air traffic control to land the plane successfully. Organizations always have crises, but they don’t always have leaders as skilled, self-possessed, and decisive as Captain Shults. What does it take to lead effectively through an organizational crisis?

First, we’ll explore what leadership means. Next, we’ll review characteristics of leaders who succeed through crises. Finally, we’ll touch on what organizations can do to develop crisis-resilient leaders.

There’s never a dull moment as we consider the future of work. A major driver behind the Great Resignation is an increase in job openings, as strange as that may seem. And the phenomenon recently called quiet quitting has been around a lot longer than TikTok itself.

Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, chatted about two hot topics affecting organizations and the global workforce: the Great Resignation and quiet quitting.

The Superstar Effect

Postat de la 02 Sep, 2022 in categoria Abilitati

Superstar workers aren’t always as good as they seem. When other high performers must compete with superstars, they can become demotivated. This is known as the superstar effect, and it can have a significant impact on teams and organizations.

Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, explored the superstar effect and how it relates to teams and organizations.

Let’s dive into what to do about the problem of superstars.

CEO Behavior

Postat de la 02 Sep, 2022 in categoria Leadership

Are luxury possessions and speeding tickets indicative of CEOs who will cultivate scandal and commit fraud? They can be. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Aiyesha Dey, PhD, associate professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, about how CEO personality influences CEO behavior.

By researching the personal lives of CEOs and their behavior outside of the workplace, Aiyesha has identified data that can be quite predictive of how they may perform on the job.

Let’s dive into how the personality characteristics of materialism and rule breaking can affect CEO behavior.

5 Engaging Virtual Team-Building Activities

Postat de la 26 Aug, 2022 in categoria Echipa

“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” This quote, attributed to Helen Keller, is as true today as it was in the 1920s. A cohesive team is one of the most effective ways to accomplish work and achieve goals. Virtual team-building activities for bringing remote teams and hybrid teams together encourage successful collaboration and employee engagement.

Too Legit to Quit: Addressing Employee Turnover

Postat de la 22 Jul, 2022 in categoria Selectie

At Hogan, we have recently seen an uptick in client concerns regarding employee turnover. This developing concern parallels a general increase throughout the workforce in employees’ desires to quit their jobs after experiencing organizational changes sparked by the pandemic. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, an average of 4.3 million employees per month quit their jobs between March 2021 and March 2022. This trend, termed the Great Resignation, can harm organizational effectiveness due to replacement costs, reduced efficiency, loss of clients, lower customer satisfaction, overburdened HR, and a decrease in workforce morale.

Dezvoltarea liderilor este un subiect foarte „hot”. Programele si practicile folosite pentru a dezvolta talentele de top sunt prolifice si diverse, iar 95% din organizatii intentioneaza sa-si mentina sau sa isi sporeasca investitiile in dezvoltarea liderilor. In mod paradoxal, doar 10% dintre CEO spun ca programele lor de dezvoltare a liderilor au un impact vizibil asupra business-ului si peste 50% din CEO declara ca dezvoltarea celor care sunt pentru prima oara in roluri de conducere este una dintre cele mai mari provocari cu care se confrunta in prezent. Si angajatii considera ca aceast aspect reprezinta o problema. Nivel de angajament al angajatilor este la un nivel de doar 32%, in scadere de la 36% in 2020, iar „dissengagement-ul” activ este in crestere, cu un procent fata de 2021. Relatiile lor cu liderii reprezinta un factor determinant. Un procent uimitor de 84% din angajatii din SUA de exemplu atribuie stresul lor managerilor, iar jumatate spun ca performanta lor s-ar imbunatati daca managerii ar beneficia de oportunitati de dezvoltare.

Why Leadership Development Is Broken

Postat de la 27 Jun, 2022 in categoria Leadership

Leadership development is big business. The programs and practices used to grow top-level talent are prolific and diverse, and 95% of organizations plan to maintain or increase their current leadership development investment. Paradoxically, only 10% of CEOs say their leadership development programs have clear business impact, and more than 50% of CEOs say that developing next-generation leaders is the biggest challenge they face today. Employees paint a similarly bleak picture. Employee engagement is at just 32%, down from 36% in 2020, while active disengagement is on the rise, up one percentage point from 2021. Their relationships with leaders are a contributing factor. A startling 84% of US workers attribute their stress to their managers, and half say their performance would improve if their managers were to receive development opportunities.

A group of five professionals seated around a conference table discuss business metrics, perhaps including the benefits of metrics-driven leadership development programs, such as enhanced team performance. A couple of laptops are atop the conference table, along with a mess of papers. The professionals are all wearing business attire. Two of the professionals in the foreground are gesturing at a piece of paper displaying pie charts.

In the past, product and service delivery were expressed in abstract terms like “as soon as we can” or “the best we can.” Gradually, time of product and service delivery became metrics driven. Yet many organizational functions — specifically those guided by people and so-called “soft skills” — were still not considered to be measurable.

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  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan – Personality and the Fate of Organizations


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  • The Incident — How Do You Derail?

  • Prof. Dr. Robert Hogan on Personality Psychology, the Bright Side, and the Dark Side



  • Stereotipuri si perceptii sociale

  • Leadership masculin vs. feminin

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