+40 726.135.952

Development Center (DC)

Development and career paths design within organizations are vital processes for retaining highflyers and sustain growth. Assessment Center (AC) is a set of methods for assessing people's skills and also preset staff training needs. The Assessment Center objective is to estimate and evaluate professional knowledge, skills and personality structure in terms of a specific job.

Scope of Assessment Centers/Developing Center (AC/DC)

  • Assessing the potential
  • Identify high performers
  • Identify current leadership derailers and areas of improvement

Steps of the Assessment Centers/Developing Center

  • Agree upon specific competencies to be assessed
  • Define competencies in terms of behavioral indicators 
  • Agree upon required level for each competency
  • Design the AC/DC (Assessment Center/Developing Center)
  • Implement a pilot of the AC/DC 
  • Fine tune the AC/DC
  • Implement the final version of the AC/DC
  • Create feedback reports 
  • Deliver individual feedback and create development plans for each participant

In a very competitive talent market, it is becoming increasingly important to carefully assess individuals for strategic positions within your organization. We design tools for measuring the mix of competencies, motivations and possible "risks" for future performance. HART Consulting designs tools for measuring the mix of competencies, motivations and possible "risks" for future performance:

  • Role Plays
  • Group exercises
  • Case Studies
  • Behavioral interviews
  • Presentations
  • In-tray exercise
  • Personality assessment (Hogan Assessments)
  • Ability assessments
  • 360° Feedback

Aspects to be assessed

  • Competencies and interpersonal styles 
  • Personality
  • Motivation
  • Cognitive styles
  • Personality assessment

Through psychological assessment we identify the individual potential, the personal strengths and derialers, in order to predict occupational success. These assessments serve as a basis for career management decisions within an organization and for further development actions. Based on our local business acumen and global know-how we propose Hogan Assessments, a cutting edge methodology used for over 30 years, all around the world, in selection and development programs.

Hogan Assessments explain personality form three perspectives:

  • Behaviors and the correlation with job related competencies – Hogan Personality Profile (HPI) describes personality in day to day situations and in reputational terms 
  • Derialments or the dark side - Hogan Development Survey (HDS) identifies exaggerated behaviors /derailers that appear in stressful situations and negatively impacts performance 
  • Values & motivations – Motives, Values, Prefrencies Profile (MVPI) presents the individual core values and motivational drivers important for organizational and job fit

360° Feedback
Available through the partnership with CCi Assessment Group International

HART 360° Leadership online Survey measures what people actually do on their managerial job. It measures managerial effectiveness in delegating, coaching, developing the team or communicating, and also what they could do differently in order to obtain high performance (identification of specific training areas).

This is a survey that includes opinions about the manager's performance from several perspectives:

  • direct manager
  • colleagues
  • collaborators
  • customers

Reports and recommendations
At the end of the assessment center, clients will receive:

  • Individual assessment reports
  • strengths of the participant
  • opportunities for development
(Adriana Pirvu, Learning & Development Coordinator Cargill Romania)
We hereby confirm our successful collaboration with HART Consulting that represents Hogan Assessment Systems International Company in Romania & Republic of Moldova. Starting the beginning of 2011 Hart Consulting becomes a strong partner for Cargill in Romania. We appreciate their tools and services because they are perfectly integrated within our HR processes such as selection, management
Irina Zamosteanu, Ceramica Iasi
Ceramica Iasi started working with HART Consulting since 2007, common activities focusing both on the recruitment and selection of candidates for various key positions, and the advice and psychological testing. In this way we got in contact with Hogan Assessment Tool, a preformat assessing tool, highly efficient, which formed a solid basis for identifying and recognizing the strengths and
Magdalena Vrajitoru, RBS Romania
We have been developed and run with HART Consulting several assessment and development centers during 2007 and 2008. These projects goals were: Assessment of the managerial competencies for retail and corporate banking employees Selection for career progression (promotion) HART Consulting used different customized exercises, adapted to each profile of competencies. HART has conducted
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