+40 726.135.952

Individual Leadership Development Program

Individual Development Benefits:

  • Facilitate strategic self awareness
  • Identify behavioral tendencies to keep, stop, and grow
  • Identify key core values and motivational drivers
  • Identify the gap between the status quo and the desired level of leadership behaviors and drivers
  • Accelerate the personal change

Steps of Individual Development Program:

Completing online questionnaires

  • HPI - Hogan Personality Inventory
  • HDS - Hogan Development Survey
  • MVPI - Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory

Reports generation

  • Leadership Potential Report Based on HPI results; highlights day-to-day leadership behaviors and suggest actionable development recommendations
  • Leadership Challenge Report Based on HDS results; highlights potential derailing tendencies and recommendations for development
  • Leadership Values Report Based one MVPI results; highlights core values related to leadership Coaching Report Summary of all 3 reports and guidelines for development planning

Individual Feedback

  • Review individually key competencies with high impact on participant effectiveness during the 1:1 developmental feedback session;
  • Provide strategic self-awareness on strengths and areas for development with respect to those competencies related to performance;
  • Discuss individual core values and personal drivers that can support development and personal growth
  • Gain commitment for self-development.

Facilitating drawing of Individual Development Plans (IDP)

  • A certified consultant will help participants draw individual development plans after they gained insights about own leadership strengths, potential derailers and motivational drivers.
  • For non-managerial positions, the IDPs have to be aligned with the direct manager in order to be included in the performance management process.

Coaching sessions

  • In order to increase measurable performance and implement change is important to work accompanied by a professional coach, during a 3 – 6 months period. From our experience the first results are visible after minimum 3 months.

Measuring change after 12 months (360° Feedback)

Measuring behavioral changes through 360 feedback survey after 6-12 months.


  • Individual reports
  • Developmental feedback (sessions one on one)
  • Individual Development Plans (3 directions: start, stop, continue)
  • Coaching sessions
  • Assessment report (360 feedback)


Georgiana Bajinaru, Avia Motors - Alto Syncro Grup
The first project that we worked together was to organizing and implementing an assesment center. Since the inception of the project untill the end of it, the things have developed in a professional manner.The way we worked with the Hart specialist on that project, convinced us to continue working for others projects too. Now the Hart company is a reliable partner for our human resources
Irina Zamosteanu, Ceramica Iasi
Ceramica Iasi started working with HART Consulting since 2007, common activities focusing both on the recruitment and selection of candidates for various key positions, and the advice and psychological testing. In this way we got in contact with Hogan Assessment Tool, a preformat assessing tool, highly efficient, which formed a solid basis for identifying and recognizing the strengths and
Manuela Gute, DTH Television Grup
We have conducted several assessment centers having HART Consulting as partner in these projects. The goal of these projects was the selection of most suitable candidates for the following positions Promo Manager: Regional Sales Manager, Advertising Manager, Head of Technical Department, etc. The data provided was extremely useful for selecting the best candidate according to the profile and our
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