+40 726.135.952

Organizational studies

HART Consulting can provide you an extensive suite of macro instruments that focus on departmental, team, and organizational issues. We design these instruments to meet specific needs in order to provide relevant data for your organization.

The benefits of an online platform for automatically collecting responses to evaluation questions::

  • Cost effective - no software to purchase
  • You can use predefined surveys or add custom survey items, themes, and competencies
  • Less time involved for administrative processes
  • The surveys can be deployed in any location
  • Follow up reminder messages are sent automatically
  • You can chose between summary or detailed reports
  • You can administer pre- and post-assessments to identify trends and to measure the success of your development programs

We have the expertise to create and deliver a wide range of web-based surveys for individuals, teams, functional groups, and for the entire organization:

  • Behavioral Interviews / Pre-interview qualifying surveys
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Customer Service
  • Employee Opinion / Satisfaction
  • Employer Branding
  • Evaluating Training Instructors and Programs
  • Exit Interviews
  • Guest-Hospitality
  • Job-Functional Climate
  • Market Research
  • Team Effectiveness
  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Wellness-Life Style
  • Organizational studies - HART ConsultingOrganizational studies - HART ConsultingOrganizational studies - HART ConsultingOrganizational studies - HART Consulting
  • Organizational studies - HART Consulting
(Ramon Grigorescu, Siemens)
Eu sunt un psiholog organizational, angajat ca Recruitment & Development Manager in departamentul CP al Siemens Romania si, in ceea ce priveste utilizarea evaluarilor Hogan, pot spune ca am folosit Hogan Assessment Systems din 2008, si anume HPI, HDS, MVPI si integrat sistemul Hogan, ca parte a evaluarii noastre standard inainte de promovare pentru pozitii de top management si specialisti
Nicoleta Diaconu, Manager Recrutare, Regina Maria
Gasirea candidatilor potriviti este o provocare pentru orice om de HR, din acest motiv consider ca evaluarile Hogan sunt instrumente de masurare a personalitatii remarcabil de fiabile si precise atat pentru selectarea talentelor potrivite dar si pentru prezicerea succesului la locul de munca. Recomand cursul de certificare HOGAN, din punctul meu de vedere a avut toate ingredientele unei
Dan Cârciumaru, HRBP Spitale & Senior Trainer, Regina Maria
The certification experience was very interesting and practical. I have already used Hogan Assessment in large projects in the company, and the profiling and feedback received profiles are well appreciated by colleagues, managers or non-managers. I await the meetings within the alumni club with great pleasure!
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