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Organizational culture diagnosis

Team members have their own individual values and drivers that guide self-focus and priorities. When a majority of team members share the same value, the team bonds more easily. Values form the basis for team norms, culture, and decision making. Culture is the sum of what we are drawn towards and value; the bias that values give our decisions and preferences powerfully influence those around us. Over time, we create norms and standards that accrue into a culture.

Robert Hogan proposed that shared group values (termed value anchors) create internal climate. Researches confirm the link between senior leadership team values and organizational culture.

Shared team values have three main impacts on the team:

  • Makes working in the team more enjoyable and cohesive.
  • Contributes to greater team efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Helps to stabilize the team and reduce team turnover.

When team values are in line with business strategy and objectives, a high degree of fit will be observed for the team.

(Ramon Grigorescu, Siemens)
Eu sunt un psiholog organizational, angajat ca Recruitment & Development Manager in departamentul CP al Siemens Romania si, in ceea ce priveste utilizarea evaluarilor Hogan, pot spune ca am folosit Hogan Assessment Systems din 2008, si anume HPI, HDS, MVPI si integrat sistemul Hogan, ca parte a evaluarii noastre standard inainte de promovare pentru pozitii de top management si specialisti
Andreea Tiță, HR Trainee, Schneider Electric
Cursul de Instrumente si Tehnici de Selectie pentru mine a adus structura si claritate. Ofera exact ceea ce promite. Faptul ca am avut exemple concrete dar si exercitii de lucru care sa ne provoace mintea a fost un mare avantaj. Am ramas cu multe informatii utile (foarte bine structurate in curs) de care ma folosesc si acum in activitatea mea si catre care revin atunci cand simt ca ma
Roxana Tronaru, BRD - Groupe Societe Generale
We worked with the HART Consulting team in order to develop role-playing exercises – part of the AC for the BRD GSG. From the beginning, the consultants were very receptive to our needs, we built along the project structure and we communicated effictively throughout it. In the follow-up sessions, experts from Hart have shown the ability to easily identify items that need improvement or
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