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Fresh graduate candidates screening

Personality is the foundation for work-related behaviors. When a company wants to employ fresh graduates, it always looks at attitude and behaviors that will impact job performance. Hogan Assessment created a user-friendly and efficient solution for candidates screening that provides organizations with valuable information about candidates in a short time.


For more information about tools and pricing, contact your CONSULTANT.

  • Fresh graduate candidates screening - HART ConsultingFresh graduate candidates screening - HART Consulting
Ioana, Talent Attraction & Development, Manufacturing
The certification session conducted by HART Consulting proved to be a real challenge. The fact that I had the opportunity to interpret the result of my own test changed my vision on the connection between human nature, leadership and performance. The open-ended conversations, the practical examples from the trainer’s own experience, and the active socializing with the other course
Oana Condruz, HRM, British American Tobacco
Multumim companiei Hart Consulting pentru colaborarea de pana acum si o recomandam cu incredere, datorita echipei sale, care impresioneaza prin vasta experienta si cunostintele solide in domeniu.Calitatea si profesionalismul acestei echipe ii recomanda ca fiind unii dintre cei mai competenti specialist pe zona de organizare si administrare centre de evaluare, precum si pe cea de evaluare
Manuela Gute, DTH Television Grup
We have conducted several assessment centers having HART Consulting as partner in these projects. The goal of these projects was the selection of most suitable candidates for the following positions Promo Manager: Regional Sales Manager, Advertising Manager, Head of Technical Department, etc. The data provided was extremely useful for selecting the best candidate according to the profile and our
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