Hogan Configure
The Hogan Configure platform allows companies to decode talent and to objectively identify those that will perform highly in a certain position, whether it’s a new or existent employee.
The Hogan Configure assessments platform is anchored in science and has a great prediction ability. This is an assessment solution in order to determine who is fit or not with a certain competency profile required for a certain role. There are a number of benchmark competency profiles for a series of role families, such as sales, managers, operations, etc.
The targeted persons will be invited to complete online, for 45 minutes, the HPI and HDS questionnaires (bright side and dark side of personality) and then the platform generates their scores on the established set of competencies.
The platform also offers a ranking between employees / candidates, offers an extra confidence in the selection process, presents in a dashboard a map of potential on the tested population versus the set of competencies highlighting the development needs.
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