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Customer Care - Call Center

Telecommunications Industry - Call Center Technical Support Personnel


A major full-service provider of telecommunication products wanted to improve the selection of call center technical support personnel (CCT).


To determine the characteristics that define high performing CCTs, Hogan conducted a criterion-related validation study. First, Hogan asked 350 incumbent CCTs to complete the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), the industry standard for measuring normal personality. Next, “High” and “Low” performing CCTs were identified on the basis of various work criteria including customer focus time and schedule adherence.


Research revealed that successful CCTs were calm and even-tempered (high Adjustment), energetic and goal-oriented (high Ambition), perceptive and tactful (moderate Interpersonal Sensitivity) and rule abiding and conscientious (high Prudence).

Individuals who met this profile were:

  • 1.2 times more likely to be rated highly for schedule adherence;
  • 1.9 times more likely to be rated highly for customer focus time;
  • 2.3 times more likely to be rated highly for average performance level.

In addition, 38% of the incumbents who did not meet this profile subsequently left the company.


These results illustrate the effectiveness of using the HPI not only to help select in high performing employees, but also to reduce turnover by selecting out individuals who are more likely to leave.

Irina Somanescu, HR Director Grup, REGINA MARIA, Reteaua private de sanatate
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