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A holding of food/warehousing companies wanted to standardize hiring procedures for Customer Service workers. Customer Service employees are responsible for selling and/or supporting products and services through interaction with prospects and clients using knowledge of the industry product. A review of alternative selection techniques suggested that including a personality assessment could significantly improve the selection of successful workers in the Customer Service job family.


Hogan recommended using the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), the industry standard for measuring personality and its impact on job performance, to identify outstanding Customer Service performers. Specifically, Hogan asked 72 incumbent Customer Service workers to complete the HPI and then their supervisors provided ratings on multiple job performance measures.


Hogan demonstrated that remaining calm under pressure, enjoying social interaction, following rules, showing social tact and being perceptive, and interested in building job-related knowledge is critical to successful Customer Service performance. Based on this research, Hogan customized selection guidelines using multiple HPI scales, including Adjustment, Sociability, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Prudence and Learning Approach.

To illustrate how these selection recommendations would work in practice, Hogan compared those passing the Customer Service job family profile to those not passing the profile. These comparisons showed that Customer Service workers passing the high fit profile were two times more likely to be a high performer compared to those not fitting the high fit profile. Taken together these results show not only how using the HPI can improve identification of successful workers, but also how this improved selection process can translate into measurable performance outcomes.

Mihaela Feodorof, Executive Coach and Business Consultant, www.performanceway.ro
I have used Hogan Assessments in organizational development or individual development projects for the past 10 years. The profiles help me identify opportunities and propose the right solutions, but what’s most important is that they are embraced by the client. Hogan Assessments is an X-Ray of the way in which behaviour is corelated with the person’s objectives. The Hogan Certification
Dana Cazac, Dr. Reddys Laboratories Romania
It can be immediately put into practice. It provides a real help in discovering what you did well and what you have to improve.
Stela Pop, Roto Romania
Am participat la atelierele de dezvoltare a inteligentei emotionale si la o parte a celor de conversatii dificile si deja simt ca sunt capabila sa constientizez mult mai bine propriile trairi, propriile nevoi si, totodata, sa le comunic mai bine celorlalti. Este uimitor cat de simplu se poate rezolva un conflict sau o problema in mod constructiv, atunci cand raspunzi cu empatie si cu asertivitate.
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