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A well-known food retailer established a Hogan profile to hire sales representatives nearly three years ago. In 2012, the retailer investigated the extent to which the profile predicted sales performance using a sample of 115 sales representatives.


Results revealed that high fit sales representatives grew their weekly sales at a greater rate compared to low fit sales representatives. After one year, high fits’ sales growth was 6.5 times that of the low fits’ sales growth.

Irina Iorga, Oracle Romania
The interest to learn and obtain the Hogan certification came after studying the benefits this tool offers by providing a clear profile and focused on skills and individual preferences relevant for professional activity. Having a good validity it can be applied to a wide range of subjects generating relevant profiles for orientation and career development. The course is focused on the
Ioana, Talent Attraction & Development, Manufacturing
The certification session conducted by HART Consulting proved to be a real challenge. The fact that I had the opportunity to interpret the result of my own test changed my vision on the connection between human nature, leadership and performance. The open-ended conversations, the practical examples from the trainer’s own experience, and the active socializing with the other course
Oana Condruz, HRM, British American Tobacco
Multumim companiei Hart Consulting pentru colaborarea de pana acum si o recomandam cu incredere, datorita echipei sale, care impresioneaza prin vasta experienta si cunostintele solide in domeniu.Calitatea si profesionalismul acestei echipe ii recomanda ca fiind unii dintre cei mai competenti specialist pe zona de organizare si administrare centre de evaluare, precum si pe cea de evaluare
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