Customized solutions for selection
A customized solution for selection is specifically designed for a specific job from a specific organization.
The selection method is calibrated for aiming to a specific organizational evaluation criteria such as:
- job performance (soft or hard measures)
- employee turnover
- absenteeism
- customer satisfaction etc.
Benefits of a customized selection solution:
- Increasing the overall performance for a specific job/department or entire organization
- Cost saving by reducing turnover or absenteeism
- Increasing the employer brand by insuring the objectivity & fairness of the selection process
- Minimizing the time spent interviewing candidates unlikely to perform effectively
- Possibility to use narrative reports that offer information to help hiring managers take informed selection decisions.
For more details about our approach, contact us here.
Tags: Hogan Assessments, Benchmark Studies, Benchmark, criterion-related validation, job family, specific job, overall performance, Cost saving, employer brand, Minimizing the time, narrative reports, job performance