Test that assesses the mechanical/technical understanding using animated items (instruments, to which a construction plan must be assigned); to be used with adolescents and adults.
Theoretical background
In psychology there is a multitude of terms like “technical/constructive” or “practical/technical understanding”, which are used in connection with mechanical/technical understanding. Pauli & Arnold (1972) limit the definition in the following way: “Technical understanding broadly contains the following abilities:
to understand and describe technical drawings or instruments and to describe their usefulness
to recognize the functional importance of the individual parts and to explain their coaction
to correctly understand and describe basic technical laws (e.g. the effect of the lever), with which everybody is acquainted in daily life
the personal inner connection with technical problems (eagerness or revulsion).”
The MTA tries to cover the above-mentioned abilities from points a–c.
In the first run, 4 plans per instrument are presented. The task consists of finding the one plan, which does not allow the sequence of movements shown before (in an animation). If all four constructions allow this sequence of movements, then the answer “all constructions are correct” must be selected. In the second run, either one of the 4 plans per instrument must be selected as correct or the answer can be “all constructions are incorrect”. So in the first run one incorrect plan must be discovered among the four plans presented per instrument, whereas in the second run one correct plan must be found. The test has an “item-related time-limit”. This means that the next item appears automatically after a certain time interval (2 minutes) has elapsed.
The defined test score is the number of items solved.
The reliability in the sense of an inner consistency is given due to the validity of the Rasch model. The following characteristic values for reliability were calculated: split-half-reliability r=0.87, Cronbach’s alpha r=0.84 and Guttman’s lambda 3 r=0.84.
Since the tasks of the MTA coincide by their content as well as formally with those of other mechanical/technical tests that were checked for their external validity, the external validity is deemed to be secure also for them. One external validity criterion (positive/negative completed retraining in a technical profession, r=.47) confirms the selection quality of the MTA.
Laura Mihai, Talent Attraction & Development Manager, Tenaris Romania For me and my colleagues from the Tenaris Romania HR Team, the certification course for Hogan Assessments represented getting close to a valuable tool, that we use at the moment in the company for selecting new candidates and for developing existing employees. We had the opportunity to attend a course organized and delivered in a professional manner, and the information and materials received are
Andreea Tiță, HR Trainee, Schneider Electric Cursul de Instrumente si Tehnici de Selectie pentru mine a adus structura si claritate. Ofera exact ceea ce promite.
Faptul ca am avut exemple concrete dar si exercitii de lucru care sa ne provoace mintea a fost un mare avantaj. Am ramas cu multe informatii utile (foarte bine structurate in curs) de care ma folosesc si acum in activitatea mea si catre care revin atunci cand simt ca ma
Diana Popa, Angelini Pharmaceuticals It helped me a lot in creating a logical thread of an interview and not to repeat some mistakes that we made without being aware of them.