+40 726.135.952


What are the skills, behaviors, values to predict the optimum compatibility with the job and the organization? And especially how do we measure what matters (performance prediction)?

Predictive validity is one of the most important aspects when we want to choose a personality assessment tool. In other words, predictive validity shows in what extent what we measure through that specific test is a performance predictor for a particular job. For example, to what extent "sociability" / "extraversion" is a performance predictor for a sales job? What about for a managerial job? Is that factor a predictor equally good for performance in both jobs? Do we have studies to rely on in this matter?

It is also important to decide, depending on the type of job, specialization etc. what is the most important predictive factor in selection. For entry level positions (such as graduate selection) is useful to investigate the "G factor” (general cognitive ability) measured by non-verbal tests. At the same time, it will also be useful to investigate issues such as: to what extent the future employee will be honest, he/she will come to work, will respect his/her responsibilities, will be balanced, will successfully cope with pressure situations, will work effectively etc. (aspects measured by personality tests).

What is important to know is that psychometric instruments should be translated, adapted and standardized to local population.

HART Consulting proposes the following psychometric tools:

1. Personality Assessment

Hogan Assessments tools are approved by the Romanian Psychology Collegium.







2. Abilities Assessment

Vienna Test System (VTS)

3. Macro Surveys

EOS - Employee Opinion Surveys

CSS - Customer Satisfaction Survey

4. 360 feedback

5. Leadership Versatility Index

(Ramon Grigorescu, Siemens)
Eu sunt un psiholog organizational, angajat ca Recruitment & Development Manager in departamentul CP al Siemens Romania si, in ceea ce priveste utilizarea evaluarilor Hogan, pot spune ca am folosit Hogan Assessment Systems din 2008, si anume HPI, HDS, MVPI si integrat sistemul Hogan, ca parte a evaluarii noastre standard inainte de promovare pentru pozitii de top management si specialisti
(Irina Somanescu, HR Director Grup, REGINA MARIA, Reteaua private de sanatate)
Recomandam Hart Consulting ca fiind un partener de incredere, credibil si profesionist, care actioneaza avand in minte un rezultat final de inalta calitate si care abordeaza riguros fiecare proiect de consultanta, pe baza experientei extinse in acest domeniu si a intelegerii aprofundate a nevoilor si obiectivelor noastre. Pe parcursul colaborarii noastre, ce a constat in proiecte de dezvoltare de
(Samson Gabriela, Dr. Reddys Laboratories Romania)
An interactive, constructive and practical course. Trainer`s attitude is to be acclaimed. I'm sure I will get the best results if I will apply what I learned during this course.
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