+40 726.135.952

360° Feedback

360° evaluation or multisource feedback is a method of evaluating employees using multiple evaluators inside the organization and outside the organization. Evaluators from inside the organization are chosen from different hierarchical and functional positions in relation with the person evaluated. Feedback is anonymous. 360° feedback is a widely used because multisource feedback results are more relevant than other methods and offers not only a picture of strengths and development areas in order to increase business efficiency, but offers a diagnosis of the causes.



Dana Cazac, Dr. Reddys Laboratories Romania
It can be immediately put into practice. It provides a real help in discovering what you did well and what you have to improve.
Anca Knieling, Dr. Reddys Laboratories Romania
Actual and specific to the activity I perform.
Nicoleta Diaconu, Manager Recrutare, Regina Maria
Gasirea candidatilor potriviti este o provocare pentru orice om de HR, din acest motiv consider ca evaluarile Hogan sunt instrumente de masurare a personalitatii remarcabil de fiabile si precise atat pentru selectarea talentelor potrivite dar si pentru prezicerea succesului la locul de munca. Recomand cursul de certificare HOGAN, din punctul meu de vedere a avut toate ingredientele unei
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