+40 726.135.952

Macro Surveys

HART Consulting can provide you an extensive suite of macro instruments that focus on departmental, team, and organizational issues. We design these instruments to meet specific needs in order to provide relevant data for your organization.

The benefits of an online platform for automatically collecting responses to evaluation questions::

  • Cost effective - no software to purchase
  • You can use predefined surveys or add custom survey items, themes, and competencies
  • Less time involved for administrative processes
  • The surveys can be deployed in any location
  • Follow up reminder messages are sent automatically
  • You can chose between summary or detailed reports
  • You can administer pre- and post-assessments to identify trends and to measure the success of your development programs.

We have the expertise to create and deliver a wide range of web-based surveys for individuals, teams, functional groups, and for the entire organization:

  • Employee opinion surveys (online survey and focus groups)
  • Clients satisfaction surveys
  • Opinion surveys on voluntary departures from the organization
  • Team efficiency assessments
  • Organizational culture studies
Cristina Dumitru, HR Manager, Bitdefender
I recommend Hogan Assessments to any HR professional, particularly for selection activities, as well as career orientation and development. The certification course offers a clear image on the tools and manages in just 2 days to build the abilities necessary for interpretation. I very much appreciated the professionalism of the HART consultant, as well as the focus on practical examples and
Claudia, Senior HR Generalist, Energy
Hogan Assessments helped me discover extraordinary things and extremely useful things when it comes to people interaction. It’s an instrument which has the capacity to offer valuable information on people, so as to create a concrete development plan for them. Also, it makes me very happy that I can easily “read” Hogan raports for external candidates, thus making better decisions
Mihaela Apostoleanu, Oracle Romania
Hogan Assessment changed my perspective on the people I work with directly or on the colleagues with whom I work in mentoring and career development programs. It is simple to use, logical and friendly with the subjects of the feedback. Allows you to correlate the feedback with both the individual performance and with the average segment that fits. With many personality scales investigated, and the
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