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Hogan Assessments

Personality and performance are complexly linked, and personality has proven to have a direct influence on an individual's leadership ability and style, team performance, and overall organizational effectiveness. Certain personality behaviors can positively or negatively affect the ability to form and maintain effective relationships with others, make good decisions, manage stressful situations or propose an articulated agenda to others. Consequently, the personality has a direct impact on leadership and organizational effectiveness in general.

From the organizational perspective, it is necessary to select carefully the leaders as this is the wisest way to prevent the negative effects of an ineffective leadership: financial, reputational etc. with impact on the commitment and performance of subordinates.

Leaders` self-awareness by accessing and taking into consideration the views of others on their own behavior is the starting point in any development process management.

HART Consulting proposes on the Romanian market the Hogan Assessments tools.

Hogan Assessments tools are approved by the Romanian Psychology Collegium.

The three Hogan Assessments tools are:

  • Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
  • Hogan Development Survey (HDS) 
  • Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)

Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

Outlines strengths and skills that enhance an individual’s career. The HPI is the industry standard for measuring personality as it relates to job performance. The deeply-ingrained personal characteristics measured by the HPI impact how individuals approach work and interaction with others.

It has a 30-year history of successfully predicting employee performance and helping companies reduce turnover, absenteeism, shrinkage, and poor customer service. It was the first inventory of normal personality based on the Five-Factor Model and developed specifically for the business community.

The Hogan Personality Inventory identifies the bright side of the personality - behavioral tendencies that are quickly noticed and capable of enhancing job performance. The HPI is job specific - High or Low Scale Scores may be strengths in some job contexts, or shortcomings depending upon the demands of the job environment.

HPI Basic Facts

  • A business-related measure of normal personality designed specifically to predict performance on the job
  • Developed exclusively based on research involving working adults
  • Normed on more than 500,000 working adults worldwide
  • Validated to predict performance in over 200 occupational categories covering all major industries
  • No invasive or intrusive items
  • No adverse impact
  • Fully Internet enabled and available in multiple languages
  • Useful reports available for employee selection or development.

Hogan scale definitions - Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

  • Adjustment: confidence, self-esteem, and composure under pressure
  • Ambition: initiative, competitiveness, and desire for leadership roles
  • Sociability: extraversion, gregarious, and need for social interaction
  • Interpersonal Sensitivity: tact, perceptiveness, and ability to maintain relationships
  • Prudence: self-discipline, responsibility and conscientiousness
  • Inquisitive: imagination, curiosity, and creative potential
  • Learning Approach: achievement-oriented, stays up-to-date on business and technical matters.

Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

Identifies dysfunctional dispositions tendencies that appear after prolonged exposure, during stress or as a result of heavy work loads, that can derail an individual’s career.

The Hogan Development Survey assesses eleven behavioral tendencies capable of impeding work relationships, hindering productivity, or limiting overall career potential. These career derailers - deeply ingrained in personality traits - affect an individual's leadership style and actions.

When under pressure, most people will display certain counterproductive tendencies or risk factors. Under normal circumstances these characteristics may actually be strengths. However, when an individual is tired, pressured, bored, or otherwise distracted, these risk factors may impede effectiveness and erode the quality of relationships with customers and colleagues. The Hogan Development Survey identifies tendencies that are often referred to as the dark side of the personality - capable of negatively impacting performance.

The Hogan Development Survey assessments provide valuable feedback for strategic self-awareness, which is the key to avoiding the negative consequences associated with these tendencies. HDS is the only business-related inventory that measures these dysfunctional behavioral patterns.

HDS Basic Facts

  • Designed to predict barriers to a successful performance
  • Concerns characteristics not encompassed by the Five Factor Model
  • Developed exclusively based on research involving working adults
  • Normed on over 10,000 working managers
  • Validated in over 50 Fortune 500 organizations
  • No invasive or intrusive items
  • No adverse impact
  • Fully Internet enabled and available in multiple languages
  • User-friendly reports available for selection or development.

Hogan scale definitions - Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

  • Excitable: moody, easily annoyed, hard to please, and emotionally volatile
  • Skeptical: distrustful, cynical, sensitive to criticism, and focused on the negative
  • Cautious: unassertive, resistant to change, risk-averse, and slow to make decisions
  • Reserved: aloof, indifferent to the feelings of others, and uncommunicative
  • Leisurely: overtly cooperative, but privately irritable, stubborn, and uncooperative
  • Bold: overly self-confident, arrogant, with inflated feelings of self-worth
  • Mischievous: charming, risk-taking, limit-testing and excitement-seeking
  • Colorful: dramatic, attention-seeking, interruptive, and poor listening skills
  • Imaginative: creative, but thinking and acting in unusual or eccentric ways
  • Diligent: meticulous, precise, hard to please, and tends to micromanage
  • Dutiful: eager to please and reluctant to act independently or against popular opinion.

Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)

Identifies personal drivers and fit with an organizational culture, indicates what kinds of jobs, work, and environments an individual will find most satisfying.

The Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory reveals a person's core values, goals and interests. This is invaluable information for determining the kinds of environments in which the person will perform best, and the kind of culture the person will create as a leader.

Organizations can use this information to ensure that a new hire's values are consistent with those of the organization. MVPI can also help shed light on areas of compatibility and conflict among team members.

These ten core values, goals, and activities are part of a person's identity. Consequently, they are a person's key drivers - they are what a person desires and strive to attain. People's values also influence their choice of jobs and careers. People like others who share their values and prefer to work in jobs that support their values.

MVPI Basic Facts

  • Provides a comprehensive, business-based taxonomy of values
  • Highlights the fit between a person's values and an organization's culture
  • Predicts both occupational success and job satisfaction
  • Used for selection or development purposes
  • Developed exclusively based on research involving working adults
  • Validated in over 100 organizations
  • No invasive or intrusive items
  • No adverse impact
  • Fully Internet enabled
  • Available in multiple languages.

Hogan scale definitions - Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) 

  • Recognition: responsive to attention, approval, and praise
  • Power: desire for success, accomplishment, status and control
  • Hedonism: orientation for fun, pleasure, and enjoyment
  • Altruistic: desire to help others and contribute to society
  • Affiliation: desire for and enjoyment of social interaction
  • Tradition: dedication, strong personal beliefs, and obligation
  • Security: need for predictability, structure, and order
  • Commerce: interest in money, profits, investment, and business opportunities
  • Aesthetics: need for self-expression, concern over look, feel, and design of work products
  • Science: quest for knowledge, research, technology, and data.


For Hogan sample reports for selection, development, promotion, HIPO, coaching, team assessment, please contact us at consulting@hartconsulting.eu

(Mihaela Apostoleanu, Oracle Romania)
Hogan Assessment changed my perspective on the people I work with directly or on the colleagues with whom I work in mentoring and career development programs. It is simple to use, logical and friendly with the subjects of the feedback. Allows you to correlate the feedback with both the individual performance and with the average segment that fits. With many personality scales investigated, and the
(Andrea PETRE, Learning & Development Manager, Carrefour Romania)
Our collaboration with Hart Consulting and the use of Hogan Assessment tools dates back more than ten years ago, starting with the certification of a pool of HR specialists on talent acquisition and development. Afterwards, throughout the years, we've rolled out a series of projects together focused on leadership development for our middle and top management teams. Applying the Hogan
(Alexandru Fulga, Consultant HRD Dezvoltare Resurse Umane)
Hogan Assessment Systems is a complex assessment tool that generates a series of reports for both the personality inventory and also for identifying preferences and trends in certain situations. At the same time is an easy to use and helped me develop my new points of view. I recommend using Hogan methodology for projects that require a complex evaluation. Alexandru Fulga, Consultant HRD
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