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Career Report (HPI)

The Career Report describes how an individual will act in various business circumstances, identifies strengths and shortcomings, and includes detailed developmental tips onhow to manage his/her career. This high-impact report accurately identifies the behavioral tendencies likely to affect job performance. The Career Report is based on HPI assessment. 

Hogan HPI scale definitions

Adjustment: confidence, self-esteem, and composure under pressure.
Ambition: initiative, competitiveness, and desire for leadership roles.
Sociability: extraversion, gregarious, and need for social interaction.
Interpersonal Sensitivity: tact, perceptiveness, and ability to maintain relationships.
Prudence: self-discipline, responsibility and conscientiousness.
Inquisitive: imagination, curiosity, and creative potential.
Learning Approach: achievement-oriented, stays up-to-date on business and technical matters.

(Ramon Grigorescu, Siemens)
Eu sunt un psiholog organizational, angajat ca Recruitment & Development Manager in departamentul CP al Siemens Romania si, in ceea ce priveste utilizarea evaluarilor Hogan, pot spune ca am folosit Hogan Assessment Systems din 2008, si anume HPI, HDS, MVPI si integrat sistemul Hogan, ca parte a evaluarii noastre standard inainte de promovare pentru pozitii de top management si specialisti
(Irina Zamosteanu, Ceramica Iasi)
Ceramica Iasi started working with HART Consulting since 2007, common activities focusing both on the recruitment and selection of candidates for various key positions, and the advice and psychological testing. In this way we got in contact with Hogan Assessment Tool, a preformat assessing tool, highly efficient, which formed a solid basis for identifying and recognizing the strengths and
(Andrea PETRE, Learning & Development Manager, Carrefour Romania)
Our collaboration with Hart Consulting and the use of Hogan Assessment tools dates back more than ten years ago, starting with the certification of a pool of HR specialists on talent acquisition and development. Afterwards, throughout the years, we've rolled out a series of projects together focused on leadership development for our middle and top management teams. Applying the Hogan
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