+40 726.135.952

Insight (MVPI) Report

Profilul motivatiilor, valorilor si preferintelor masoara valorile de baza si interesele unei persoane si determina ce fel de mediu va prefera sau va crea si tipul de cultura organizationala in care persoana va lucra cel mai bine.

Poate fi utilizat atat pentru dezvoltare cat si pentru selectie.

Continut raport:

  • Evidentiaza valorile de baza si interesele unei persoane
  • Evidentiaza implicatii comportamentale.


(Andrea PETRE, Learning & Development Manager, Carrefour Romania)
Our collaboration with Hart Consulting and the use of Hogan Assessment tools dates back more than ten years ago, starting with the certification of a pool of HR specialists on talent acquisition and development. Afterwards, throughout the years, we've rolled out a series of projects together focused on leadership development for our middle and top management teams. Applying the Hogan
Lory Kanceva, BASS
From our point of view, we can say that HART expertise in this area is a factor of recommendation, by the professionalism and seriousness in evaluating candidates. Regarding the organization of AC, the HART’s focus is to train the assessors, this factor representing one of the main ingredients in having a quality AC. In an AC every detail is important and we consider that HART’s
Magdalena Isan, Solvay Pharma Romania
HART Consulting was our reliable partner in several assessment centers developed in 2008 with the aim to select internal candidates for career progression (promotion). The role of HART Consulting was to design and implement the assessments centers. The exercises used by HART Consulting were adapted to our specific organizational realities and needs. The reports written by HART’s
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