+40 726.135.952

Hogan High Potential Talent



High-potential employees are critical to the success and sustainability of groups and organizations.

Before organizations can identify and develop high-potential employees, they have to define potential in a manner that works across all departments and job levels. And in attempting to do so, many organizations end up with a complex concept of potential that satisfies no one.

Hogan’s High Potential Talent Report measures the individual attributes that predict leadership success.

We define high potential as the ability to build and lead teams that can consistently outperform the competition. As a world-leader in personality and values assessment, we leverage decades of research on personality, values, and performance to help clients identify and develop emerging leaders.



The competition for talent is fierce, and the future of many organizations depends on finding and developing leaders for key roles. Hogan’s High Potential Talent Report is a rigorous, assessment-based development solution designed to identify and close the skills gap between what your organization requires in a leader and what is in your talent pipeline.

For more details about customized solutions, contact us.

(Andrea PETRE, Learning & Development Manager, Carrefour Romania)
Our collaboration with Hart Consulting and the use of Hogan Assessment tools dates back more than ten years ago, starting with the certification of a pool of HR specialists on talent acquisition and development. Afterwards, throughout the years, we've rolled out a series of projects together focused on leadership development for our middle and top management teams. Applying the Hogan
Alexandru Fulga, Consultant HRD Dezvoltare Resurse Umane
Hogan Assessment Systems is a complex assessment tool that generates a series of reports for both the personality inventory and also for identifying preferences and trends in certain situations. At the same time is an easy to use and helped me develop my new points of view. I recommend using Hogan methodology for projects that require a complex evaluation. Alexandru Fulga, Consultant HRD
Ovidiu Neagoe, Biz Magazine
There is no news to anyone that stress has made its way, slowly, from the beginning of the economic crisis, in all offices in the country. We could easily say that we are used to it. But you think you know yourself so well and you are able to identify with certainty what behaviors occur in fatigue and stress conditions at work? Well I had the same belief before taking the Hogan Assessments suite.
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