+40 726.135.952


Our collaboration with Hart Consulting and the use of Hogan Assessment tools dates back more than ten years ago, starting with the certification of a pool of HR specialists on talent acquisition and development. Afterwards, throughout the years, we've rolled out a series of projects together focused on leadership development for our middle and top management teams. Applying the Hogan Assessment tools has given us a clear and objective basis for developing our leaders, easy to understand for the user, profound and thorough. Moreover, aside from the assessment tools, what I highly appreciate in our collaboration with the Hart Consulting team is their professionalism, extended know-how and impeccable delivery!

Andrea PETRE, Learning & Development Manager, Carrefour Romania - 13 Apr 2021

Cursul de Instrumente si Tehnici de Selectie pentru mine a adus structura si claritate. Ofera exact ceea ce promite.

Faptul ca am avut exemple concrete dar si exercitii de lucru care sa ne provoace mintea a fost un mare avantaj. Am ramas cu multe informatii utile (foarte bine structurate in curs) de care ma folosesc si acum in activitatea mea si catre care revin atunci cand simt ca ma blochez.

Multumesc Madalina si multumesc HART pentru acest curs pretios.

Andreea Tiță, HR Trainee, Schneider Electric - 13 Apr 2021

Gasirea candidatilor potriviti este o provocare pentru orice om de HR, din acest motiv consider ca evaluarile Hogan sunt instrumente de masurare a personalitatii remarcabil de fiabile si precise atat pentru selectarea talentelor potrivite dar si pentru prezicerea succesului la locul de munca.

Recomand cursul de certificare HOGAN, din punctul meu de vedere a avut toate ingredientele unei experiente complete de invatare: interactivitate, explicatii complete, exercitii.

Nicoleta Diaconu, Manager Recrutare, Regina Maria - 13 Apr 2021

I recommend Hogan Assessments to any HR professional, particularly for selection activities, as well as career orientation and development. The certification course offers a clear image on the tools and manages in just 2 days to build the abilities necessary for interpretation. I very much appreciated the professionalism of the HART consultant, as well as the focus on practical examples and exercises. I have had the opportunity to use HPI and HDS to identify and develop leadership abilities within the company, and the feedback received from my colleagues was excellent. They very much appreciated the fact that the instruments offer insight on the impact of personality features on job performance and that they permit the building of a pragmatic development plan.

Cristina Dumitru, HR Manager, Bitdefender - 28 Feb 2019

The certification experience was very interesting and practical. I have already used Hogan Assessment in large projects in the company, and the profiling and feedback received profiles are well appreciated by colleagues, managers or non-managers. I await the meetings within the alumni club with great pleasure!

Dan Cârciumaru, HRBP Spitale & Senior Trainer, Regina Maria - 28 Feb 2019

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(Manuela Gute, DTH Television Grup)
We have conducted several assessment centers having HART Consulting as partner in these projects. The goal of these projects was the selection of most suitable candidates for the following positions Promo Manager: Regional Sales Manager, Advertising Manager, Head of Technical Department, etc. The data provided was extremely useful for selecting the best candidate according to the profile and our
(Stefana Spatacean, Royal Bank of Scotland)
We have collaborated over the years with HART Consulting team in implementing several assessment centers for development purpose for both teams in the retail and in corporate areas. Consultant’s flexibility, attention to detail, professional manner by who reported each project, makes HART Consulting team a reliable partner. We warmly recommend HART team to support the evaluation and
(Dr. Carmina Smith, Ewopharma AG Romania)
I can recommend Mrs. Rodica Obancea without reservation as an extremely proficient and valuable coach. I was impressed with Rodica’s dedication and enthusiasm, and with the quality of her work. The coaching program supported me and my team to grow towards superior business results. Dr. Carmina Smith, Country Manager Ewopharma AG Romania
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