+40 726.135.952


Hogan Assessments certification – a captivating session of learning and personal development. Thanks to the trainer for offering this experience and for your professional manner of conducting the course. The test results offer important information about human personality, being easily used in processes of personal development, leadership and recruitment.

Irina, Recruiter, Engineering - 19 Feb 2019

The Hogan evaluation tools are one of the most analytical and detailed tools with which I had the opportunity to work, offering allot of accuracy in constructing an employee’s profile. What impressed me is the intuitive and easy way of interpreting the results and in seeing the interaction between the 3 main tools. For a generous vision in understanding an employee’s profile, I warmly recommend using the 3 instruments together, thus having a complete picture of what an employee’s compatibility means in regards to the job description but also to company values.

Mariana, Consultant HR - 19 Feb 2019

Am participat la atelierele de dezvoltare a inteligentei emotionale si la o parte a celor de conversatii dificile si deja simt ca sunt capabila sa constientizez mult mai bine propriile trairi, propriile nevoi si, totodata, sa le comunic mai bine celorlalti. Este uimitor cat de simplu se poate rezolva un conflict sau o problema in mod constructiv, atunci cand raspunzi cu empatie si cu asertivitate. Partea cea mai bună a acestor ateliere a fost faptul ca accentul s-a pus pe practica, ne-am antrenat folosind situatii concrete. Bineinteles ca si inputul “teoretic” din partea coach-ului Hart a avut un rol esential; la sfarsitul fiecarui atelier, am simtit ca plec cu ceva de acolo, a fost o experienta incredibila, pe care o recomand din tot sufletul!

Stela Pop, Roto Romania - 30 Apr 2015

We hereby confirm our successful collaboration with HART Consulting that represents Hogan Assessment Systems International Company in Romania & Republic of Moldova. Starting the beginning of 2011 Hart Consulting becomes a strong partner for Cargill in Romania. We appreciate their tools and services because they are perfectly integrated within our HR processes such as selection, management and development of our talents. We experienced an extremely successful integration of Hogan results at HPI and HDS into the assessment of potential of our key people and easily calibration of talent within our talent management process. Hogan’s assessment suite as well as consultant’s professionalism make HART Consulting a great partner for selecting, retaining and development of high potential employees. Adriana Pirvu, Learning & Development Coordinator Cargill Romania

Adriana Pirvu, Learning & Development Coordinator Cargill Romania - 05 Aug 2013

With participation in the Hogan certification assessment methodology made acquaintance of a complete tool in terms of information provided and reliable in terms of accuracy and validity of information obtained. It is a tool that can be used in various activities: promotion, recruitment, knowing better team, succession plans, development plans, plans motivation, etc. The tool is easy to handle and understand, and obtained reports are edifying. Once you graduate the course, you start thinking in Hogan terms! Last but not least, Madalina Balan has the merit of making the participants to become friends of the instrument in just two days, bringing clear and timely explanations, creating a relaxed and constructive learning environment. Alexandra Crihana, Oracle Romania


Alexandra Crihana, Oracle Romania - 05 Aug 2013

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(Irina Chende, Carrefour Romania)
We worked with HART team in implementing several assessment centers over the time with the purpose to build plans for development and promotion. We appreciated the HART consultants flexibility, the professionalism shown consistently, the fast processes in implementation and the ratio between the excellent quality of the service and the fees. Moreover, the individual results following assessment
(Lory Kanceva, BASS)
From our point of view, we can say that HART expertise in this area is a factor of recommendation, by the professionalism and seriousness in evaluating candidates. Regarding the organization of AC, the HART’s focus is to train the assessors, this factor representing one of the main ingredients in having a quality AC. In an AC every detail is important and we consider that HART’s
(Dr. Carmina Smith, Ewopharma AG Romania)
I can recommend Mrs. Rodica Obancea without reservation as an extremely proficient and valuable coach. I was impressed with Rodica’s dedication and enthusiasm, and with the quality of her work. The coaching program supported me and my team to grow towards superior business results. Dr. Carmina Smith, Country Manager Ewopharma AG Romania
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