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National Conference of Romanian Psychologists 2012

02 Oct 2012

The 6th edition of the National Conference of Romanian Psychologists was held between 25th – 29th September, in Brasov. During the conference, there were more than 20 workshops sustained by various psychologists across the country. One of the workshops sustained by Dr. Ruxandra Rascanu from University of Bucharest, Dr. Mara Priceputu and Dr. Viorel Pascu was entitled Psychological Assessment with BioFeedback Multimedia System BF -2000x-pert.

Although the workshop it was in the morning, the participants were quite interested in the BioFeedback 2000x-pert and the case studies presented by Dr.Viorel Pasca. For many of the participants, this workshop was the first contact they had with the system. Even if young psychologists are considering the system as modern and innovative, the biofeedback has a long history in psychology, although lately has fallen into obscurity (especially in Romania).

We hope for the future that more psychologists become interested in the system and they will ingrate it into their private practices across all individual offices in Romania.

  • National Conference of Romanian Psychologists 2012 - HART ConsultingNational Conference of Romanian Psychologists 2012 - HART ConsultingNational Conference of Romanian Psychologists 2012 - HART ConsultingNational Conference of Romanian Psychologists 2012 - HART Consulting
  • National Conference of Romanian Psychologists 2012 - HART Consulting
(Magdalena Vrajitoru, RBS Romania)
We have been developed and run with HART Consulting several assessment and development centers during 2007 and 2008. These projects goals were: Assessment of the managerial competencies for retail and corporate banking employees Selection for career progression (promotion) HART Consulting used different customized exercises, adapted to each profile of competencies. HART has conducted
Anca Knieling, Dr. Reddys Laboratories Romania
Actual and specific to the activity I perform.
Irina Chende, Carrefour Romania
We worked with HART team in implementing several assessment centers over the time with the purpose to build plans for development and promotion. We appreciated the HART consultants flexibility, the professionalism shown consistently, the fast processes in implementation and the ratio between the excellent quality of the service and the fees. Moreover, the individual results following assessment
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