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Psychology and the reality of the contemporary world

19 Oct 2012

Between the 19th and 20th of October 2012, it takes place the third edition of PSIWORLD International Conference on "Psychology and the reality of the ... citeste mai mult

National Conference of Romanian Psychologists 2012

02 Oct 2012

The 6th edition of the National Conference of Romanian Psychologists was held between 25th – 29th September, in Brasov. During the conference, ... citeste mai mult

Business-Edu Forum 2012 – PLAY, LEARN, PERFORM

26 Sep 2012

Why assessment centers have become an industry in the last 40 years? The answer is found in their construction itself.We presented: Assessment ... citeste mai mult
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(Magdalena Vrajitoru, RBS Romania)
We have been developed and run with HART Consulting several assessment and development centers during 2007 and 2008. These projects goals were: Assessment of the managerial competencies for retail and corporate banking employees Selection for career progression (promotion) HART Consulting used different customized exercises, adapted to each profile of competencies. HART has conducted
Mihaela Feodorof, Executive Coach and Business Consultant, www.performanceway.ro
I have used Hogan Assessments in organizational development or individual development projects for the past 10 years. The profiles help me identify opportunities and propose the right solutions, but what’s most important is that they are embraced by the client. Hogan Assessments is an X-Ray of the way in which behaviour is corelated with the person’s objectives. The Hogan Certification
Stela Pop, Roto Romania
Am participat la atelierele de dezvoltare a inteligentei emotionale si la o parte a celor de conversatii dificile si deja simt ca sunt capabila sa constientizez mult mai bine propriile trairi, propriile nevoi si, totodata, sa le comunic mai bine celorlalti. Este uimitor cat de simplu se poate rezolva un conflict sau o problema in mod constructiv, atunci cand raspunzi cu empatie si cu asertivitate.
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