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The Human Resources Management Conference

10 Dec 2024

Madalina Balan, Managing Partner Hart Consulting, a fost guest speaker la evenimentul ”The Human Resources Management Conference”, organizat de AmCham Moldova, în Chiainau, in luna noiembrie.

Prezentarea a adus în atentie un subiect extrem de important si care a fost foarte apreciat de cei peste 400 de manageri si HR manageri prezenti în sala – ”Personality and the Dark Side of Leadership”. De ce este un subiect important? Pentru ca scoate în evidenta elementele vitale care stau la baza unui leadership eficient si autentic în zilele noastre: calitatea leaderilor de top si a actului de leadership, importanta valorilor de baza ale leaderilor si cunoasterea în profunzime a tuturor laturilor care formeaza personalitatea, constientizarea ca personalitatea lor (a leaderilor) si deciziile pe care le iau influenteaza profund oamenii si sistemele din jurul lor.

(Magdalena Vrajitoru, RBS Romania)
We have been developed and run with HART Consulting several assessment and development centers during 2007 and 2008. These projects goals were: Assessment of the managerial competencies for retail and corporate banking employees Selection for career progression (promotion) HART Consulting used different customized exercises, adapted to each profile of competencies. HART has conducted
Alina Craciun, Coca-Cola
Hart Human Resources Consulting is all about heart, experience, passion. We found a great partner, with a real understanding of our business needs and who, above all delivered the promised results with time to spare. Alina Craciun, Coca-Cola
Marian Ciuca, Prutul
Competence, solicitude, especially flexibility and not least confidentiality, top class tools and costs closer to the market of 2009. There are things that we wanted when we chose to appeal to HART company services for the 2 assessment centers that our company has held between September - November 2009. We found these qualities in them and they were confirmed by us during a collaboration that for
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