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Eusebiu Burcas - Executives` Selection and Induction within an Antreprenorial Organisation

01 Noi 2012

Entrepreneurial businesses in Romania are in a new phase after 10-15-20 years entrepreneurs are tedious and tired. On the other hand, highly dynamic ... read more

Vlad Bog - About Diversity at Microsoft

01 Noi 2012

Diversity is an essential element of the successful strategy of Microsoft in Romania. In an attempt to strengthen our position as the most desirable ... read more

Simona Podgoreanu - Creating High Performance Teams: Improving Business Outcomes

01 Noi 2012

Case Study: management team diagnosis and planning the strategic action with impact on business.  ... read more

Amalia Sterescu - Succession planning: what`s next after the theory

01 Noi 2012

Succession planning: a strategic issue on the agenda of managers. Benefits and brakes in effectively implementing a successful program.   ... read more

Sergiu Negut - Achieving Buy-in at Board Level: What the CEO Should Look Like

01 Noi 2012

Is there a good CEO in all times and in all periods of the organization? ... read more

Mihai Spulber - Leadership competency development in a dynamic organization

01 Noi 2012

 Leadership competency development in a dynamic organization: Developing effective leadership skills so as to support the company's expansion ... read more

Madalina Balan - Personality of leaders: When strengths become weaknesses

01 Noi 2012

Case Study: How are seen liders` "personality flaws" in the eyes of the team. Personality and predicting organizational performance. ... read more

Leadership Model

10 Oct 2012

A defining look at the effects of leader personality on employee engagement and organizational performance. What makes a good leader?Leadership is ... read more

How much is too much? Are you workaholic?

01 Oct 2012

Recent advances in technology, the state of the global economy and implicitly the national economy, modern job requirements, all contributed to the ... read more

Briefing Socioanalytic Theory

10 Sep 2012

Socioanalytic theory draws on key ideas of Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, and George Herbert Mead to explain why people act as they do. All three ... read more
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(Magdalena Vrajitoru, RBS Romania)
We have been developed and run with HART Consulting several assessment and development centers during 2007 and 2008. These projects goals were: Assessment of the managerial competencies for retail and corporate banking employees Selection for career progression (promotion) HART Consulting used different customized exercises, adapted to each profile of competencies. HART has conducted
(Roxana Tronaru, BRD - Groupe Societe Generale)
We worked with the HART Consulting team in order to develop role-playing exercises – part of the AC for the BRD GSG. From the beginning, the consultants were very receptive to our needs, we built along the project structure and we communicated effictively throughout it. In the follow-up sessions, experts from Hart have shown the ability to easily identify items that need improvement or
Ana Georgescu, MediaPro Interactiv
Very well organized and structured Selection & Interviewing Skills course offered me the chance to learn and develop new skills and competencies. Ana Georgescu, MediaPro Interactiv
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