+40 726.135.952

How to Deliver Effective Feedback

This training session is dedicated to people managers who want to learn and practice feedback techniques to build and maintain high performance teams.


  • A story about feedback
  • Why is feedback important when leading people
  • Personality styles and feedback
  • Techniques of delivering different types of feedback
  • Rules for feedback
  • Video learning session
  • Practice the feedback techniques
  • From insights to actions – how to help people apply the feedback


The training includes as pre-work Hogan Leadership Report as a tool for understanding own leadership style and feedback delivery preferences.


For more details and seminar registration please click here.

Dan Cârciumaru, HRBP Spitale & Senior Trainer, Regina Maria
The certification experience was very interesting and practical. I have already used Hogan Assessment in large projects in the company, and the profiling and feedback received profiles are well appreciated by colleagues, managers or non-managers. I await the meetings within the alumni club with great pleasure!
Nicoleta Diaconu, Manager Recrutare, Regina Maria
Gasirea candidatilor potriviti este o provocare pentru orice om de HR, din acest motiv consider ca evaluarile Hogan sunt instrumente de masurare a personalitatii remarcabil de fiabile si precise atat pentru selectarea talentelor potrivite dar si pentru prezicerea succesului la locul de munca. Recomand cursul de certificare HOGAN, din punctul meu de vedere a avut toate ingredientele unei
Mihaela Flamaropol, Raiffeisen Bank
In our company we use assessment Hogan instruments almost a year now, and we used it for both our colleagues proposed for promotion as well as external candidates for managerial positions. It has been established a correlation between the bank and the competence scales of HPI and HDS assessment tools, the profile of the person assessed has been observed and thus it were identified the areas for
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