+40 726.135.952

Safety kit


Irina Somanescu, HR Director Grup, REGINA MARIA, Reteaua private de sanatate
Recomandam Hart Consulting ca fiind un partener de incredere, credibil si profesionist, care actioneaza avand in minte un rezultat final de inalta calitate si care abordeaza riguros fiecare proiect de consultanta, pe baza experientei extinse in acest domeniu si a intelegerii aprofundate a nevoilor si obiectivelor noastre. Pe parcursul colaborarii noastre, ce a constat in proiecte de dezvoltare de
Stefana Spatacean, Royal Bank of Scotland
We have collaborated over the years with HART Consulting team in implementing several assessment centers for development purpose for both teams in the retail and in corporate areas. Consultant’s flexibility, attention to detail, professional manner by who reported each project, makes HART Consulting team a reliable partner. We warmly recommend HART team to support the evaluation and
Mihaela Cristina Florea, Sef Serviciu Training, Generali Romania
The entire process of accreditation: the course, as well as the 1-on-1 feedback sessions offered after the actual course, represented for me o real learning experience: relevant, attractive, captivating, useful, obtained through a perfect combination between experience, theory and statistics. Now, after 2 years since obtaining the certificate, I eagerly await the periodic update meetings organized
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