Robert Hogan is a reputable psychologist, well known for his innovations in personality studies and leadership.
He is an international authority on personality who has been positively impacting the psychological community since the 1960s, having the largest and best-regarded thought-leadership in the industry and advancing the science of personality.
Dr. Hogan, who is widely known for his groundbreaking research on personality and how it translates to organizational and leadership effectiveness, was also ranked among the top five greatest personality psychologists. This group consisted of famous psychologists, such as Sigmund Freud, Hans Eysenck, Gordon Allport and Carl Jung.
In the early 80s, Dr. Hogan founded Hogan Assessments, and ever since, the company’s footprint has grown exponentially. Now Hogan Assessments is offering premium tools and services in more than 56 countries and 47 languages, serving more than half of the Fortune 500 companies.
Dr. Hogan is the author of more than 300 journal articles, chapters and books including Personality and the Fate of Organizations (2006). His recent author, co-author and editing credits also include: Personality: Theories and Applications (2008), The Handbook of Personality Psychology (1997), The Perils of Accentuating the Positive (2009) etc.