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Hogan High Potential Talent 360

The competition for talent is fierce, and organizational success in the future is dependent upon finding and developing high potential leaders for key organizational roles.

The Hogan High Potential 360 (Hogan HiPo 360) is part of PBC’s multi-rater suite and is based on Hogan’s model of high potential talent. The Hogan HiPo 360 measures individuals against three integral components of leadership and supports organizations to develop their high potential talent.


  • Development of individual contributors or leaders who have been identified as high potential
  • Individual coaching programs to identify and develop specific capabilities for leadership foundations, emergence and effectiveness
  • Can be used in conjunction with the Hogan High Potential Talent Report to provide a deep understanding of the individual from both a personality and behavioural perspective


  • Uses Hogan’s research-based high potential talent model to develop talent
  • Identifies development opportunities to build a strong leadership pipeline
  • Highlights individual strengths and ranks areas of actionable development


(Andrea PETRE, Learning & Development Manager, Carrefour Romania)
Our collaboration with Hart Consulting and the use of Hogan Assessment tools dates back more than ten years ago, starting with the certification of a pool of HR specialists on talent acquisition and development. Afterwards, throughout the years, we've rolled out a series of projects together focused on leadership development for our middle and top management teams. Applying the Hogan
Mihaela Sincu, Organizational Development Manager, GoodStory
De la certificarea din anul 2008, am folosit cu predilectie metodologia Hogan, datorita versatilitatii si generozitatii informatiilor furnizate de aceasta. Instrumentele s-au dovedit utile atat in interventiile din consilierea de cariera, in dezvoltarea personala si profesionala din programele de talent management dar si in demersurile de omogenizare a echipelor. Mai exact, informatiile pe care le
Mihaela Flamaropol, Raiffeisen Bank
Folosim in cadrul companiei noastre instrumentele de evaluare Hogan de aproape un an, timp in care le-am utilizat atat pentru colegii nostri propusi spre promovare, cat si pentru candidatii externi pentru pozitii manageriale. S-a stabilit o corelatie intre competentele bancii si scalele instrumentelor de evaluare HPI si HDS, s-a urmarit profilul persoanei evaluate si s-au identificat astfel zonele
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