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High Performing Team Assessment (HPTA)

The High Performing Team Assessment (HPTA) is a diagnostic that enables team members to provide feedback around the effectiveness of their team on key characteristics that have been shown to promote team performance. It allows teams to gather feedback from team members about how the team is performing across 12 critical themes for success and helps teams understand their mix of strengths and opportunities related to the themes of performance and culture. It is used for ongoing team development and attainment of strategic objectives. The HPTA includes a number of variations which are suitable for different types of teams including Executive, Management, Frontline, and Agile teams. The High Performing Team Assessment (HPTA) is a diagnostic.

Mihaela Feodorof, Executive Coach and Business Consultant, www.performanceway.ro
Folosesc de 10 ani Hogan Assessment in proiecte de dezvoltare organizationale sau individuale. Profilele ma ajuta sa identific oportunitatile si sa propun solutiile potrivite, dar ce este cel mai important poate este ca acestea sunt imbratisate de client. Hogan Assessment este o radiografie clara a modului in care comportamentele sunt corelate cu obiectivele persoanei. Certificarea Hogan este un
Mariana, Consultant HR
Instrumentele de evaluare Hogan sunt unele dintre cele mai analitice si minutioase instrumente cu care am avut ocazia sa lucrez, oferind multa acuratete in elaborarea profilului angajatului. M-a impresionat modul intuitiv si lejer in aplicarea metodologiei si interpretarea rezultatelor in interactiunea celor 3 instrumente. Pentru o viziune generoasa in intelegerea profilului angajatului recomand
Angelica Mogos, ENEL
Un curs (Selection & Interviewing Skills) plin de energie care contine multe informatii utile pentru o buna desfasurare a activitatii de selectie si recrutare. Angelica Mogos, ENEL
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