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Team Assessment Survey

How does your team compare to others across the globe? Are the teams in your organization higher or lower performing compared to others in the industry or function? What do teams in your organization do well, not so well, and what could you do to help improve team performance?  

The Team Assessment Survey (TAS) is a 15-minute, on-line assessment that provides insight about team dynamics and performance. The easy-to-read feedback report has been reviewed by over 3,500 teams and includes:

  • Benchmarking feedback on how a team compares to one of 19 other team types, such as C-suite, business unit, functional, cross-functional, non-profit, government, and US based teams
  • Insight into how team challenges, purpose, goals, size, composition, reporting structure, meetings, decision-making, accountability, engagement, empowerment, and psychological safety affect team dynamics and performance
  • An analysis that shows the extent to which a collection of people is working as a group or a team
  • Written comments
  • Links to the 15 chapters and 40 team improvement activities described in Ignition: A Guide to Building High Performing Teams (Curphy, Nilsen & Hogan, 2019)
  • Access to facilitator support materials that include videos, PPT decks, forms, handouts, and articles for building high performing teams


Click on any of the images below to download the sample reports in PDF format

Mihaela Cristina Florea, Sef Serviciu Training, Generali Romania
Intregul proces de acreditare: cursul precum si consultarile individuale oferite post curs au reprezentat pentru mine o reala experienta de invatare: relevanta, atractiva, captivanta, utila, obtinuta printr-o combinatie perfecta intre experienta, teorie si statistici. Acum, la doi ani de la obtinerea certificatului, astept cu aceeasi nerabdare si interes intalnirile periodice de update organizate
Magdalena Vrajitoru, RBS Romania
Am elaborat si desfasurat cu HART Consulting mai multe centre de evaluare si dezvoltare intre anii 2007 si 2008. Obiectivele acestor proiecte au fost: Evaluarea competentelor manageriale pentru angajatii din banci si retail. Selectia pentru avansarea in cariera. HART Consulting utilizeaza diferite exercitii personalizate, adaptate fiecarui profil de competente. HART a efectuat trainingul
Andreea Tiță, HR Trainee, Schneider Electric
Cursul de Instrumente si Tehnici de Selectie pentru mine a adus structura si claritate. Ofera exact ceea ce promite. Faptul ca am avut exemple concrete dar si exercitii de lucru care sa ne provoace mintea a fost un mare avantaj. Am ramas cu multe informatii utile (foarte bine structurate in curs) de care ma folosesc si acum in activitatea mea si catre care revin atunci cand simt ca ma
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