Marco Vetter - Got ability? The relevance of ability tests in Safety Assessments
12 Feb 2013
Got ability? The relevance of ability tests in Safety Assessments
Increasing safety is a crucial aim of companies and organizations. Human factors play a major role in achieving this goal because people are involved in all aspects of work. On average, about 90% of work accidents are at least partly caused by workers themselves. Investigations of work accidents demonstrated that not only personality factors, such as recklessness or defiance, but also a lack of relevant cognitive abilities strongly contribute to human failure. For instance, the degree of attention ability, reaction speed, eye-hand coordination or logical reasoning can influence the behavior in critical situations. It is therefore important to identify the relevant cognitive abilities for the specific job. Consequently there are two ways for an enterprise to enhance safety: to select or to train. In the selection process ability tests help to identify the best suited applicant for the job. Apart from recruiting the right people, accidents can also be avoided by training employees in the relevant abilities. As a result, assessing and improving cognitive abilities in personnel selection and development provides significant added value to a company’s safety strategy.
(Magdalena Vrajitoru, RBS Romania) Am elaborat si desfasurat cu HART Consulting mai multe centre de evaluare si dezvoltare intre anii 2007 si 2008. Obiectivele acestor proiecte au fost:
Evaluarea competentelor manageriale pentru angajatii din banci si retail.
Selectia pentru avansarea in cariera.
HART Consulting utilizeaza diferite exercitii personalizate, adaptate fiecarui profil de competente. HART a efectuat trainingul
(Roxana Tronaru, BRD - Groupe Societe Generale) Am lucrat cu echipa de la Hart Consulting pentru dezvoltarea unor exercitii de tip joc de rol - parte integranta din Centrele de Evaluare din cadrul BRD GSG. Consultantii au fost inca de la inceput foarte receptivi la nevoile noastre, am construit impreuna structura proiectului si am comunicat eficient pe tot parcursul acestuia.
In cadrul sesiunilor de follow-up, specialistii de la Hart au
Irina Chende, Carrefour Romania Am colaborat cu echipa HART in implementarea mai multor centre de evaluare de-a lungul timpului, scopul fiind atat acela de construire a planurilor de dezvoltare, cat si de promovare. Am apreciat la consultantii HART flexibilitatea de care au dat dovada, profesionalismul manifestat in mod constant, rapiditatea proceselor pe care le-au implementat, raportul excelent intre calitatea serviciilor si