+40 726.135.952

Certificare LVI 360°

The Leadership Versatility Index 360° Certification teaches participants to interpret and apply the Thinking leader’s 360° performance assessment – a truly unique and highly innovative multi-rater feedback methodology developed by Kaiser Leadership Solutions.

The program is designed for talent management and organizational development specialists, HR generalists, HR consultants, coaches and psychologists.

The program consists in:

  • Pre workshop

    Read Developing Versatile Leadership and Stop Overdoing Your Strengths.

  • Workshop

    Learn  to interpret and apply the results with a page-by-page explanation of the LVI report via webinar. Leverage the LVI to identify and engage recipients in the outer and inner work of development.

  • Practice

    1:1 training to provide support for the first feedback session. Discover how to use supporting tools and identify key themes, co-create a session game plan.

  • Certificare LVI 360° - HART Consulting
Simona Ion, KBC
Am apreciat foarte mult proactivitatea si comunicarea permanenta a consultantilor care gestionau relatia cu noi. In urma acestor proiecte, am stabilit cu echipa Hart nu numai un parteneriat de business, ci si o relatie de durata. Simona Ion, KBC
Diana Popa, Angelini Pharmaceuticals
M-a ajutat foarte mult in a crea un fir logic al unui interviu si in a nu repeta anumite greseli pe care le faceam fara a le constientiza.
Angelica Mogos, ENEL
Un curs (Selection & Interviewing Skills) plin de energie care contine multe informatii utile pentru o buna desfasurare a activitatii de selectie si recrutare. Angelica Mogos, ENEL
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