+40 726.135.952

Hogan Assessments Certification

About Hogan Assessments Certification Workshops

Want to ramp up your organization’s talent acquisition and development strategies? Attend one of our world-class certification workshops, available online or in Bucharest. In the process, you’ll learn more about personality (and have fun too!).

The Hogan Assessments Certification workshop will teach you about our personality assessments and how to interpret individual assessment results. Once you’ve completed this foundational certification (required), we offer two advanced workshops to help you become an expert at understanding the nuances of personality results and master the delicate art of providing personality feedback to assessment takers within your organization.


Continuing Education Credit

Hogan Assessments is an approved provider of continuing education credit hours on behalf of ICF:

  • Hogan Assessments Certification Workshop (20 credits: 11 Core Competencies, 9 Resource Development)
  • Hogan Advanced Interpretation Workshop (9.50 credits: 7 Core Competencies, 2.50 Resource Development)
  • Hogan Advanced Feedback Workshop (9.50 credits: 6 Core Competencies, 3.00 Resource Development)


Magdalena Isan, Solvay Pharma Romania
HART Consulting a fost partenerul nostru de incredere in mai multe centre de evaluare elaborate in anul 2008, cu scopul de a selecta candidatii interni pentru promovarea in cariera. Rolul consilierilor HART a fost de a elabora si implementa centrele de evaluare. Exercitiile utilizate de catre HART Consulting au fost adaptate la nevoile noastre organizationale. Rapoartele scrise au fost
Samson Gabriela, Dr. Reddys Laboratories Romania
Un curs interactiv, constructiv, practic. Atitudinea trainerului este de laudat. Sunt sigura ca voi obtine rezultate foarte bune daca voi aplica noile cunostinte.
Mihaela Flamaropol, Raiffeisen Bank
Folosim in cadrul companiei noastre instrumentele de evaluare Hogan de aproape un an, timp in care le-am utilizat atat pentru colegii nostri propusi spre promovare, cat si pentru candidatii externi pentru pozitii manageriale. S-a stabilit o corelatie intre competentele bancii si scalele instrumentelor de evaluare HPI si HDS, s-a urmarit profilul persoanei evaluate si s-au identificat astfel zonele
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