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High Performing Team Assessment (HPTA)

The High Performing Team Assessment (HPTA) is a diagnostic that enables team members to provide feedback around the effectiveness of their team on key characteristics that have been shown to promote team performance. It allows teams to gather feedback from team members about how the team is performing across 12 critical themes for success and helps teams understand their mix of strengths and opportunities related to the themes of performance and culture. It is used for ongoing team development and attainment of strategic objectives. The HPTA includes a number of variations which are suitable for different types of teams including Executive, Management, Frontline, and Agile teams. The High Performing Team Assessment (HPTA) is a diagnostic.

Ioana Neagu, Centrofarm & Plafar
Un curs interactiv, cu foarte multe exemple utile, desfasurat intr-o atmosfera relaxanta si constructiva.
Adriana Pirvu, Learning & Development Coordinator Cargill Romania
Confirmam prin acest mesaj colaborarea de succes cu HART Consulting, companie care reprezinta Hogan Assessment Systems International in Romania si Republica Moldova. Inca de la inceputul anului 2011, HART Consulting a devenit un partener puternic pentru Cargill in Romania. Apreciem instrumentele si serviciile oferite de HART Consulting, deoarece acestea sunt perfect integrate in cadrul
Lory Kanceva, BASS
Din punctul nostru de vedere, putem spune ca expertiza HART in aceasta arie reprezinta un factor de recomandare, prin profesionalismul si seriozitatea evaluarii candidatilor. In ceea ce priveste organizarea AC-lor, accentul pus de HART este pe o foarte buna si temeinica pregatire a asesorilor, acest lucru reprezentand unul din ingredientele principale in a avea un AC de calitate. Intr-un AC, orice
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